Charlie Gilmour jailed for 16 months
Charlie Gilmour, a second year Girtonian historian, has been jailed for his part in last year’s tuition fees protests

Cambridge student Charlie Gilmour was today sentenced to 16 months in jail for drug related violent disorder during the protests on tuition fees last December.
Gilmour, adopted son of Pink Floyd’s David Gilmour, was sentenced after a series of incidents which included leaping on the bonnet of a Jaguar in the royal convoy and throwing a rubbish bin at the vehicle during a drink and drug fuelled rampage.
Gilmour was originally due to be sentenced on Thursday, but uncertainty over whether he threw the rubbish bin caused the decision to be delayed until Friday .
The incident, which sparked public outrage, when Gilmour hung from the union flag on the cenotaph was condemned by Judge Nicholas Price QC, but was not part of the violent disorder sentence.
Gilmour apologised shortly after the protests for his actions.
But Price said of Gilmour’s antics that, "Such outrageous and deeply offensive behaviour gives a clear indication of how out of control you were that day.”
Further, he told Gilmour that "For a young man of your intelligence and education and background to profess to not know what the Cenotaph represents defies belief.”
Gilmour’s Cambridge education was an important factor in Price’s sentence.
Price said, "I have to take into account that you have had many advantages which are denied to most young men who come before this court.
“In short, you should have known better than to engage in such a criminal and reprehensible way."
Gilmour, who will have to serve half of his sentence behind bars, received a 2:1 in his Part I History exams.
He was originally supposed to be sentenced in May, but that was postponed in order to allow Gilmour to complete his Part I exams.
Yet, as well as the prison sentence, Gilmour may also be unable to finish his university education with Cambridge, after the University refused to comment on whether he will be allowed to return after his sentence.
His college, Girton, would only say: “The College notes the gravity of the offence and is firmly opposed to public disorder. Due legal process has been observed, and Mr Gilmour has been tried and sentenced accordingly."
The university’s reticence to comment on the story may provide some hope for Gilmour that he will be able to continue with his education once he has served his sentence.
Twitter has seen a rush of sympathy for the length of the sentence handed out to Gilmour.
Cambridge Defend Education, the group behind the student occupation of the Old Schools which Gilmour was also involved in, tweeted: “Charlie Gilmour got 16 months. Glenn Mulcaire got six months.”
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