This week Varsity signed a statement recommitting ourselves to fair reporting of trans* issues, along with TCS. Here is our pledge going forward:

Transphobia remains a deeply troubling issue in our society, unjustly limiting the lives and happiness of many people. The media often plays a key role in perpetuating this hate and misunderstanding, dominating the public’s discourse about transgender identities.

We are saddened that, despite the advances in understanding and acceptance in society, a large portion of trans* representation in the media continues to be negative and focused around sensationalist stereotypes.

We believe that this state of affairs, which has lead to 51 per cent of trans* people feeling that their representation in the media had a negative effect on their emotional wellbeing, is deplorable and should have no place in our society.

We believe that the misinformation and falsehoods about trans* people currently being spread by the media goes against the fundamental principles of journalism and is an issue that needs addressing. We accept that we have not always been blameless in this matter, but in the future wish to commit to the following practices:

1. Fair and accurate reporting of stories involving transgender people.

2. Not sensationalising transgender identities.

3. Not publishing transphobic slurs.

4. Allowing the transgender community to comment upon the issues that affect them.

5.To work with the trans* community and CUSU LGBT+ to achieve these things

Sarah Gibson, the current CUSU LGBT+ trans* representative said: “CUSU LGBT+ is delighted that our student newspapers are taking a stand against transphobia...We hope that the next generation of journalists will see this behaviour as completely unacceptable and that they will help create a culture of understanding and respect for all within our press.”

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