Sarah Palin will not be appearing at the Union this termWikimedia

UPDATE: The Cambridge Union has this morning released the following statement confirming that Buzz Aldrin, despite prior news of cancellation, will now be visiting the society term:

"Following confirmation this morning, we are delighted to announce that Buzz Aldrin will be attending the Cambridge Union on 14th March. Buzz Aldrin is an American engineer and former astronaut, selected by NASA in 1963. In 1966 on the Gemini 12 orbital mission, he performed the world's first successful spacewalk. On July 20th, 1969, he and Neil Armstrong made their historic Apollo 11 moonwalk, becoming the first two humans to set foot on another world. An estimated 600 million people at that time, the largest television audience in history witnessed this unprecedented endeavour. Upon returning from the moon, he was decorated with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, the highest American peacetime award."


It has been announced that Sarah Palin, the first woman to have been elected governor of Alaska and the first female Republican to be nominated for the Vice Presidency, will not be visiting the Union this term

In a statement issued this afternoon, the Union said: "We regret to announce that Sarah Palin will not be visiting the Cambridge Union during Lent Term 2015. She is unable to visit this term due to scheduling difficulties, but we are exploring potential future dates."

Sarah Palin, alongside Stephen Fry, Jon Snow and leader of feminist movement FEMEN Inna Shevchenko, featured as one of the main highlights in the Union termcard announced in January.

This development comes as the second high profile cancellation the Union has seen this term. Buzz Aldrin, the second man to walk on the moon, was scheduled to visit the debating society and was included in the preview of its termcard shown to the press. However, it was later stated that he would not be coming to speak at the Union.

Thomas Hughes-Mclure, a second-year student at Trinity College, told Varsity he was "heartbroken".

"This is a heavy blow to an already dull line up, she was the only event I had any interest in attending this term", he continued.

This news comes as the Union continues to to try and promote its Bicentenary year, marking 200 years since the founding of the society. 

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