The Gardenia, usually known as Gardies, is a restaurant in central CambridgeWikimedia Commons: DMN

A campaign to boycott the popular takeaway Gardies has emerged on social media after a post on FLY, which describes itself as "Cambridge University's network and forum for women of colour", alleged that the author had been sexually assaulted by one of the staff.

In the post on FLY, entitled “Blurred lines: consent as a friendly drunk girl”, the anonymous author alleges that one of the workers at Gardies had trapped her on the top floor and refused to let her leave until she kissed him.

She writes that “since that night I have been physically incapable of walking down the road that Gardies is on. Just walking past Rose Cresccent feels [sic] me with a sense of dread that even I think is disproportionate to what happened that night.

“I’m now terrified of going out drinking without a bodyguard.”

This afternoon, a Facebook page calling for a Cambridge-wide boycott of Gardies was set up. The campaign is not linked to any of the liberation campaigns: speaking to Varsity, the person behind the page, who has taken on the pseudonym of 'Cantab Smith', said it had been "[c]reated by a student who thinks, quite frankly, enough is enough."

A statement on the boycott page reads: “No matter what they say, no matter what statement of incredulity they put out, we know that they know who this is aimed at. We don't know his name. We barely know what he looks like and frankly, it doesn't matter. This is not a kangaroo court - but the evidence is mounting: and they need to deal with it.”

The page goes on to demand a full apology from the owners, an internal investigation, the suspension of the staff member (who remains unnamed) allegedly involved and new procedures "to guard against this happening ever again, such as the installing of more HD cameras and a clear complaints procedure." 

Gardies has long been famous for its close relationship with the students of Cambridge. The walls of the takeaway are covered in pictures of students who, over the years, have had their pictures taken with the owners and staff, usually at the end of a night out; in 2003, a Varsity campaign to save it from closure after Gonville and Caius threatened to terminate the lease gathered over 3,000 petition signatures.

Speaking to Varsity, Lola Olufemi, co-editor of FLY and the Selwyn BME officer, said: "The post on FLY blog seems to have started conversations about the inappropriate, misogynistic and frankly quite disgusting behaviour of the staff at Gardies. A number of women have come forward to say that similar things have happened to them but we live in a culture that tells them to not make such a fuss or that they were too drunk and so only have themselves to blame.

"We’re all too willing to ignore their experiences or to brush them off as no big deal because we want to get our drunk kebab without feeling guilty. An establishment that has multiple allegations launched at it for disreputable behaviour does not deserve your service, it is that simple."

Likewise, Charlotte Chorley, the newly elected Women's Officer for 2015-16, said: "The anonymous post on FLY is incredibly brave, but it is, sadly, not the first of its kind - several women have also spoken out about their horrible experiences at Gardies. Although an investigation will need to be had, it is a positive step to see a campaign already being organised to boycott this establishment."

"It is unacceptable that women do not feel safe alone in Cambridge; it is unacceptable that women worry that being drunk will stop people from listening to them... These testimonies are a powerful base to start from."

The owner of Gardies, Vas Anastasiou, made the following statement to Varsity: "I'm not aware of any allegations and nobody have approached me from the people who placed the comments on the web. I'm here 26 years I have created friendly and fun environment for them.

"I'm really sorry of what happened if it happened and until I speak personally to people who made the allegations in order to have an opinion for that matter. Again I'm sorry."

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