All is not well at Queens'Sadsid96

Queens’ College have cancelled all bops for the remainder of Michaelmas Term, in what is believed to be a response to disorderly and drunken behaviour surrounding the Subject Bop on 16th October.

In an email sent out on Saturday, Queens' Ents president, Tara Lee, said that "the bar staff and bouncers were very taken aback by the levels of drunkenness and rowdy behaviour around the bar and bop area."

She warned at the time that if the behaviour continued, the college would cancel future bops, saying that this had happened before.

However, JCR President, Jessica Tray, informed members of Queens’ JCR this evening of the decision to cancel future bops in a short email worded: “Unfortunately bops are cancelled for the rest of term.”

One person is believed to have been taken away in an ambulance, while there was also reportedly damage done to stonework in Cripps Court.

Students are also thought to have vomited and urinated in Lyon Court.

Bar staff are also said to have been left upset by students' behaviour on the night.

The Queens’ JCR committee are also believed to have presented suggestions for measures to make bops safer, including a “safe zone” staffed by the Christian Union, increased bouncer presence and the implementation of fines, although the Dean is said to have rejected them, leading to today’s cancellation announcement.

A second-year MML student at Queens’ said that they were "very disappointed” adding: “It seems unfair that because of a minority, everyone's plans have to be ruined."

Another second-year MML student at Queens’ said that it was “annoying” that “third years will miss out on their last ever Hallowe’en and Christmas bops,” adding that they themselves would miss out on their last bops with their friends before going on their year abroad.

One student who spoke to Varsity has placed the blame for the debauchery surrounding the bop on first-year members of Queens’ JCR drinking to excess and being unable to hold their drink.

The cancellation follows similar reports of official warnings about “loutish” behaviour and “sadistic drinking rites” at other colleges.

On Friday afternoon, the master of Gonville and Caius College criticised students for “bullying” after second-years were alleged to have coerced freshers into drinking, before leaving them drunk on other students’ floors.

Caius’ Freshers’ Bop was cancelled after what the JCR President called “a large number of complaints and incidents” earlier in Freshers’ Week, including reports that one student vomited on a porter.

At Corpus, the Freshers’ Slack (the Corpus term for bops) was closed down early by the porters after one student passed out following their initiation into one of the college’s drinking societies.

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