Cambridge University must accord respect and recognition to those who play any sport, from Ultimate Frisbee and korfball to rowing and rugbyTasha Smith

During my short tenure as sports editor, two things have struck me.

Firstly, there is a craving out there in the Cambridge University sporting circle for more attention and coverage, and not for the reasons that people might expect. The delight of the Light Blue athletes I have interacted with as they find out that their match will be in Varsity is a joy to see, and makes this job worth it.

Indeed, it was a very fulfilling sight watching the captain of the Cambridge University Ladies' Netball Club (CULNC) happily showing off our back page to her teammates as it detailed their superb win over Loughborough last week.

Sports people at Cambridge, with a few notable exceptions, are not arrogant or elitist, in the sense that they do not look down on their non-sporty counterparts. Rather, they want to see tales of their sporting feats in Varsity, or (I write with a grimace) The Bluebird, because it accords recognition to the time, the hard work and the dedication that they put in.

Indeed, whether it be the sounds of rugby players training on the Grange Road pitch reaching my room in Selwyn College seemingly every night, or being woken up by my (highly irritating) girlfriend as she heads off to swimming training at 5 in the bloody morning, there are always signs that those who have the honour to pull on the Light Blue shirt are looking to live up to this.

And yet, it is also hard to escape the feeling that some sports in Cambridge, and some athletes, do not get just reward for the effort they put in. Dismissed as ‘not real sports’ or scoffed at as ‘easy half-Blues’, these are sports that, as sports editor, I am hoping to give fair coverage to, both through sending out correspondents to cover their matches and our online ‘Rogue Sport of the Week’ column.

Korfball, Ultimate Frisbee and cheerleading may not be steeped in Cantabrigian tradition like rugby and rowing, but history can never be used to justify a state of affairs in present day – just ask any law student.

And it should not be said that athletes in those ‘rogue’ sports are not as sportingly gifted as their counterparts in football, hockey or tennis: I can think of at least two Blues that I know who cannot throw a Frisbee with any great accuracy.

The Cambridge University sporting scene is, in the vast majority of ways, brilliant at what it does, giving those of a Light Blue persuasion a chance to enjoy successes in BUCS and superb Varsity match victories. But it must not do down, ignore and malign anyone who takes the time out to represent it, in any way

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