I am no stranger to a good bang. I have had many kinds and variants. In fact, I would consider myself a bang veteran. My bangs have their own history of dysmorphia, starting at 15 when I rebelliously cut a bob with uneven curtain bangs that awkwardly framed my cheeks. Convincing myself it was a fringe, I would drag the strands across my forehead. It was objectively an ugly mess. Luckily, my fringe has changed a lot in the last four years. I almost always cut my own bangs. I don’t trust anyone else to grasp my vision.

I am no stranger to a good bang. I have had many kinds and variantsNiamh Cafferty for Varsity

Recently – at the hands of a professional – my hair took a blow so lethal and so despicable that I’ve only recently been able to overcome the trauma. It taught me a valuable lesson of strength, because, despite best efforts to reduce the eyesore of my minced fringe, I had to live with a considerable and seriously unevenly shaped portion of my forehead being exposed for the 4 weeks it took to grow back to a comfortable length. I have had baby fringes on a few occasions prior to this chop, but never this short, never so short that you could nearly see what was on my mind. I have chosen to believe that this arc has made me less shallow.

“Do NOT use nail scissors or stationery scissors to cut your bangs”

Remember: you can always chop more, but you cannot stick it back on!Niamh Cafferty for Varsity
I would like to encourage hair adventurers to be a bit braver when taking the leap of faith into fringe cityNiamh Cafferty for Varsity

My best tip for beginners, especially if your fringe is a DIY mission, is to use actual hair scissors, and, for those with fine hair, a comb. If you don’t feel like spending extra money on choppers in Boots then some sharp textile or kitchen scissors will suffice. Do NOT use nail scissors or stationery scissors. Section your hair, starting from your parting, and keep it as even of a shape as possible. Don’t chop it too short all at once: you can work your way up to your desired length, checking how it sits against your face every so often. Remember: you can always chop more, but you cannot stick it back on!

“I would like to encourage hair adventurers to be a bit braver when taking the leap of faith into fringe city”

The Brigitte Bardot curtain bang recently smothered our creativity in the art of face-framing hairNiamh Cafferty for Varsity

I think the Brigitte Bardot curtain bang recently smothered our creativity in the art of face-framing hair. They are the vanilla ice cream of the hair world. I will say that they are a good trial run of having bangs, but I would like to encourage hair adventurers to be a bit braver when taking the leap of faith into fringe city. As we move past this chokehold that the curtain bang has had on western trends, I think the side bang deserves more love. As fun and fresh as microbangs have been recently, the side bang is more accessible than it’s given credit for. It isn’t a serious commitment, and can be as short as Audrey Hepburn’s or as long and carefree as the Olsen Twins in the 2010s. Side parts and bangs are creeping their way back into media: recently, Ariana Grande sported a side swept fringe inspired by Hepburn at the Golden Globes. When a bit longer, a side fringe can be easily pinned to the sides for the fickle-minded.


Mountain View

In defence of adolescent fashion

Ultimately, it is up to personal taste. The only thing you need for a successful bang is the commitment. If you have a choppy fringe, make it seriously choppy. If you have curtain bangs, then make them bounce. If you want microbangs, don’t be scared to reveal your forehead; your hair will grow. Just do not, I repeat, do not make a microbang choppy. Unless you have an Angelina Jolie level face card; then maybe you could salvage it.

Fashion Shoot Coordinator: Holly Hardman

Photographer: Niamh Cafferty

Models: Irisa Kwok, Nell Thackray, Violette Chereau, Stevie Harding, Dominika Wiatrowska

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