The supervision gap part ② – how does your college compare?
Figures for Engineering, English, Geography, History of Art and History are this day’s releases

Today we release the figures for five more subjects from our investigation into the Cambridge supervision gap, including data for some for some of Cambridge's largest courses. Yesterday we published figures covering Archaelology and Anthropology, Chemical Engineering, Classics, Computer Science and Economics.
Using data from the university's CamCORS system, obtained through freedom of information requests, the figures show how many hours of supervision and college classes the average student received in the 2011-2012 academic year. It should be noted that in some cases the figures may be problematic because of a number of issues, such as differences in how colleges record their data. See below for full details.
You can find the other releases here:
Arch & Anth, Chemical Engineering, Classics, Computer Science and Economics
Law, Maths, Land Economy, Linguistics and Medical and Veterinary Sciences
MML, Music, Natural Sciences, Philosophy and PPS
Supervision hours per student, 2011-2012 |
Part IA |
Part IB |
Part IIA |
Part IIB |
Christ’s College |
42.88 |
56.29 |
63.57 |
31.21 |
Churchill College |
47.76 |
50.16 |
29.67 |
15.79 |
Corpus Christi College |
51.3 |
39.9 |
31.6 |
18.5 |
Fitzwilliam College |
45.49 |
44.9 |
27.4 |
15.55 |
Girton College |
60.68 |
59.17 |
32.08 |
19 |
Gonville & Caius |
54.07 |
55.34 |
30.76 |
17.88 |
Homerton College |
67 |
71.78 |
30.09 |
19.77 |
Jesus College |
53.17 |
King’s College |
55.5 |
60.91 |
33.87 |
18.48 |
Lucy Cavendish College |
51.3 |
47 |
34 |
20 |
Magdalene College |
56.2 |
63.9 |
30.04 |
19.7 |
Newnham College |
78.88 |
61.16 |
30.75 |
20.3 |
Peterhouse |
45.76 |
53.64 |
44.4 |
15.65 |
Robinson College |
36.96 |
41.5 |
32.15 |
17.84 |
Selwyn College |
41.91 |
48.56 |
28.33 |
18.93 |
Sidney Sussex College |
87 |
66 |
32 |
16 |
St Catharine’s College |
58.3 |
50.7 |
26.42 |
17.08 |
Trinity College |
46.21 |
40.77 |
30.41 |
21.27 |
Trinity Hall |
59 |
47.13 |
28 |
16.36 |
Parts I & II |
*Downing College |
36.6 |
Supervision hours per student, 2011-2012 |
Part I |
Part II |
Christ’s College |
57.85 |
47.88 |
Churchill College |
65.6 |
52.95 |
Corpus Christi College |
85.88 |
71.97 |
Fitzwilliam College |
64.4 |
49 |
Girton College |
73.59 |
Gonville & Caius |
87.27 |
56.13 |
Homerton College |
73.26 |
62.7 |
Jesus College |
King’s College |
75.5 |
57 |
Lucy Cavendish College |
82.16 |
27.2 |
Magdalene College |
108 |
54.1 |
Newnham College |
81.67 |
64.47 |
Peterhouse |
68.94 |
55.54 |
Robinson College |
68.69 |
52.45 |
Selwyn College |
69.88 |
37.84 |
Sidney Sussex College |
76 |
46 |
St Catharine’s College |
89.06 |
51.25 |
Trinity College |
104.52 |
59.22 |
Trinity Hall |
55.46 |
Parts I & II |
Downing College |
50 |
Supervision hours per student, 2011-2012 |
Part IA |
Part IB |
Part II |
Christ’s College |
22 |
17.77 |
23.25 |
Churchill College |
27 |
19.13 |
17.5 |
Corpus Christi College |
32.67 |
21.16 |
14.5 |
Fitzwilliam College |
29.2 |
28.1 |
26.6 |
Girton College |
32.15 |
22.57 |
32.64 |
Gonville & Caius |
29.83 |
23.25 |
20.45 |
Homerton College |
27.4 |
22.79 |
19.67 |
Jesus College |
38.67 |
24.28 |
32.17 |
King’s College |
25.53 |
17.05 |
19.9 |
Lucy Cavendish College |
22.28 |
Magdalene College |
27.3 |
23.8 |
20 |
Newnham College |
26.2 |
22.48 |
22.01 |
Peterhouse |
Robinson College |
30.73 |
24.18 |
21.09 |
Selwyn College |
31.38 |
23.08 |
15.05 |
Sidney Sussex College |
34 |
23 |
18 |
St Catharine’s College |
27.58 |
23.64 |
16.8 |
Trinity College |
27.67 |
14.5 |
Trinity Hall |
28.26 |
27.78 |
Parts I & II |
Downing College |
21.6 |
History of Art
Supervision hours per student, 2011-2012 |
Part I |
Part IIA |
Part IIB |
King’s College |
Sidney Sussex College |
25 |
29 |
Girton College |
26.75 |
27.5 |
Selwyn College |
21 |
29 |
Homerton College |
20.75 |
27.21 |
33 |
Magdalene College |
16 |
25.7 |
22.8 |
Peterhouse |
16.5 |
27 |
Lucy Cavendish College |
Jesus College |
14.25 |
10 |
Newnham College |
24.75 |
25.97 |
29 |
Christ’s College |
22.5 |
Gonville & Caius |
18 |
25.5 |
Robinson College |
18 |
Trinity College |
22 |
29 |
29.16 |
Fitzwilliam College |
23 |
26.6 |
Trinity Hall |
23.5 |
32 |
24 |
Corpus Christi College |
25.75 |
23.33 |
28.66 |
Churchill College |
25 |
St Catharine’s College |
27 |
Parts I & II |
Downing College |
26.6 |
Supervision hours per student, 2011-2012 |
Prelim for Part I |
Part I |
Part II |
Christ’s College |
37.73 |
18.58 |
17.2 |
Churchill College |
36.4 |
22 |
16.43 |
Corpus Christi College |
32.26 |
30 |
33.07 |
Fitzwilliam College |
27.1 |
26.5 |
21.42 |
Girton College |
23.28 |
29.44 |
56.57 |
Gonville & Caius |
28.7 |
28.82 |
18.38 |
Homerton College |
24.6 |
27.92 |
20.65 |
Jesus College |
71.25 |
86.33 |
54.42 |
King’s College |
52.6 |
27.61 |
27.94 |
Lucy Cavendish College |
34.2 |
15.23 |
Magdalene College |
33.4 |
32.6 |
19.2 |
Newnham College |
59.22 |
35.17 |
36.58 |
Peterhouse |
54.75 |
31.47 |
22.64 |
Robinson College |
13.44 |
17.95 |
15 |
Selwyn College |
25.1 |
25.86 |
18.21 |
Sidney Sussex College |
47 |
35 |
40 |
St Catharine’s College |
22.71 |
16.18 |
13.19 |
Trinity College |
23.6 |
25.93 |
17.15 |
Trinity Hall |
53.5 |
35.2 |
28 |
Parts I & II |
Downing College |
31.1 |
*Instead of providing figures for each part, Downing College has provided a combined average for all parts of each Tripos.
In places the data is incomplete, either because figures were not supplied (when a college does not offer a course, for example) or because the data was anomalous. Some smaller Tripos courses have been excluded from our analysis. Murray Edwards College, Emmanuel College and Queens' College were the only colleges to refuse our request for this data, but a number of colleges are still yet to respond to our requests or to provide us with the data requested.
When supplying this data, colleges noted that in some cases the figures may be partially inaccurate due to a number of factors, such as differing methods of recording supervision data on the CamCORS system between colleges. A number of colleges said that this was particularly the case for some smaller courses where the cohort of students in question is relatively small. In addition, the figures will have been influenced by actions on the part of students rather than colleges, for instance if undergraduates degraded or failed to attend supervisions which were provided for them, or if they required extra classes.
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