edit by leo kang

Catharine Zine

Social Media: @catharinezine 

Next Issue: “Reflections”

Deadline: 12th February 

Fresh off the success of their first issue, “Power”, which saw a variety of contributions, from interviews to multimedia artwork, this feminist zine, founded in St Catharine’s College, is back with their second issue, “Reflections”. Stuck for contribution ideas? Rock up to one of their “candlelit creatives” for atmospheric brainstorming sessions featuring feminist discussion, prompts and music. If the sound of writing by candlelight while looking at old tarot cards and listening to Taylor Swift appeals to you, then this is the perfect zine. 

Typewriter Zine

Social Media: @typewriterzine

Next Issue: “Characters”

Deadline: 15th February 

Its name both a reference to the infamous accommodation building and the fact that a real typewriter is involved in publication, this Christ’s-based zine is one of Cambridge’s newest offerings to the scene. Check them out for quirky and intriguing prompt ideas, ranging from Aristotle quotes and Japanese Noh masks to David Bowie and Virginia Woolf. Watch this space for their first ever issue.

Cambridge Girl Talk 

Social Media: @cambridgegirltalk 

Next Issue: N/A 

Deadline: Always open!

If feminism is your thing but deadlines aren’t, then Girl Talk is perfect for you! Watch out for their weekly commissions on a variety of topics, from topical issues to more personal reflective pieces. They also have regular socials, which are a fantastic way to meet like minded creatives and share ideas!


Social Media: @canvaszinecambridge 

Next Issue: “CANVAS IV”

Deadline: 18th February 

If themes and prompts are less your thing, CANVAS is the zine to let your imagination really run wild. Created in 2020 as a "blank canvas" for student art and writing, it thrives on its lack of theme. Its last issue featured, among many other things: erotic pottery, a cut-up poem, an essay on Prince and gender, and a Gulliver's Travels-inspired short story about Jeff Bezos and an ant.

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