Contribute to Cambridge’s leading student newspaper

At Varsity, we are always keen to hear new voices.

Widely read throughout the university community, we aim to deliver high quality content which drives important discussions and debates. As Varsity reporters, editors, columnists, writers and more, we take equal ownership of, and equal pride in, the paper we create. 

Don’t worry if you don’t have any experience in journalism: Varsity is a place to learn, to experiment, and to explore new opportunities. Write for us and you’ll find a supportive environment united by passion and commitment to the paper. 

Varsity is also home to a growing team of student photographers, illustrators, videographers, and web developers, many of whom first developed their skills and technical ability at the paper. We are passionate about training new team members and giving them the space to take Varsity in new and exciting directions. Get in touch with our Illustrations Editor and Digital Editor to learn more - their contact details are linked below.

We seek to give a voice to all Cambridge students, providing a platform for a wide range of perspectives and voices. Have your say. Share your story. 

To hear about new opportunities and commissions for writers, you can join our Facebook groups for writers at the links listed below, where our editors post commissions (although some groups are kept more up to date than others - apologies in advance!). Better still, you can contact any editor at any time via their emails, which are listed on our contact page. Please note that while we are of course very interested in creative responses to our commissions, we are always open to new ideas and original pitches! 

Varsity Writers

Varsity Features Writers

Varsity Opinion Writers

Varsity Interview Writers

Varsity Science Writers

Varsity Sports Writers

Vulture Magazine Writers

Varsity Lifestyle Writers

Varsity Arts Writers

Varsity Fashion Writers

Varsity Film & TV Writers

Varsity Music Writers

Varsity Theatre Writers

Please note that all contributions to Varsity are strictly subject to our terms of publication, which can be found here: Varsity Terms Of Publication. If you do not wish to be subject to these terms then do not contribute to the content of our newspaper, in print on or online.