With populism ascending alongside youth political disillusionment, we need more than just formal youth parliament spaces for Gen-Z engagement, argues Daisy Stewart Henderson
In light of Varsity‘s recent investigation, Grace Cobb argues that tying up our academic progress with our mental wellbeing is preventing students from seeking help
Daisy Hewitt
How a culture of knowing shapes the Cambridge application process
The insider knowledge that some schools possess threatens the meritocracy of the Cambridge system
Daisy Stewart Henderson
Why we should teach Latin in state schools
Teaching Latin in state schools helps to combat a privileged monopoly on ‘impractical’ learning
Letters to the Editors
Elsie McDowell
What colleges can learn from international relations
Nicole Banas
Do you know your housekeeper’s name?
Daisy Hewitt
The University must get to grips with gender attainment gaps
Evie McMahon
Why you should keep (either side of) term
Johana Trejtnar
How to breathe new life into Cambridge’s chapels
Erin McGurk
There is a hypocrisy of tolerance here at Cambridge
Rosie Roberts
Our lives shouldn’t be products
Benjamin Barrett-Miles
Why Oxbridge’s offers day matters
Benjamin Barrett-Miles argues that the concept of an offers day is a tradition worth preserving
Martha Rayner
It’s time to change travel grants
Martha Rayner argues travel grants need greater environmental incentives
Max La Bouchardiere
It’s pay-to-win for health and life skills at Cambridge
Martha Lucas
Student politics is at a crossroads
Luca Chandler
The news reads like satire, but the joke’s on us
Varsity Letters
Letters to the Editors
Duncan Paterson
The nasty aftertaste of Cambridge students’ stupidity
Daisy Stewart Henderson
Holocaust remembrance is Gen Z’s responsibility
Freddie Reid
Universities need fewer students
Elsie McDowell
Veganism shouldn’t be about perfection
Eloise Thompson
The new History tripos is a step in the right direction
Eloise Thompson argues that History tripos reforms begin to address the University’s colonial past
Rosie Roberts
It’s not sharking, it’s harassment
Cambridge owes freshers a safe environment, argues Rosie Roberts
Johana Trejtnar
Why university rankings don’t add up
Daisy Stewart Henderson
In praise of part-time jobs
Varsity Letters
Letters to the Editors
Matthew Taylor
Let’s be more literal about Lent
Chiraag Shah
What happened to being well-rounded?
Daisy Stewart Henderson
Have we become too open about our mental health?
Luca Chandler
Fighting climate change on your (college) doorstep
Evie McMahon
Cambridge’s outreach departments deserve some love
Chiraag Shah
The case for handwritten exams
Chiraag Shah argues that a shift away from writing by hand comes at a high cost
Head to Head
Head-to-head: West Hub revision raving
Exam-survivors go head to head on whether revisions raves are delightful or depressing
Duncan Paterson
The privilege of not thinking politically
Long Read
It’s time to confront society’s rape culture
Max La Bouchardiere
Tolerating anti-intellectualism supports the ‘career-ification’ of university
Ben Lubitsh
Gen Z’s (not so) unlikely hero
Maddie Harding
Deck the halls and do the dishes
Alex Lee
All I want for Christmas is (tof)u
Elsie McDowell
London has a Cambridge problem
Daisy Stewart Henderson
In pursuit of the Protestant work ethic at Cambridge
Maddy Browne
University chancellorships are not fit for the 21st-century
Universities like Oxford and Cambridge need to decide if their chancellors are in fact simply ceremonial
Rosie Roberts
Why can’t voters trust women leaders?
We must no longer be surprised when patriarchy wins the ballot box, argues Rosie Roberts
Ezra Izer
The supervision system that doesn’t supervise itself
Eliza Ousey
How do I write about street safety?
Luca Chandler
COP29 failed those who need it most
Zoë Randolph
Trump’s second election hits Americans harder than his first
Fatima Zahra Yusuf
Let’s stop pretending drinking socs can be inclusive
Maria Eduarda Paixao
Overcompensating or culturally in touch? On being an international student
Sam Martin
Britain should learn from Canada’s mistakes on assisted suicide
Hugh Jones
Cambridge students need lessons in employment too
Daisy Stewart Henderson
Growing up with Trump: how can Gen-Z reclaim politics?
With populism ascending alongside youth political disillusionment, we need more than just formal youth parliament spaces for Gen-Z engagement, argues Daisy Stewart Henderson
Grace Cobb
Cambridge’s safety nets are often superficial
In light of Varsity‘s recent investigation, Grace Cobb argues that tying up our academic progress with our mental wellbeing is preventing students from seeking help
Luca Chandler
What anthropology can teach us outside the classroom
Alex Lee
Give humanities students a pathway to academia
Evie McMahon
An ode to the welfare walk
Wilf Vall
Cambridge hasn’t been infantilised, it’s grown up
Daisy Stewart Henderson
Cambridge’s LinkedIn culture has changed the meaning of connection
Lily Alford
Labour needs to cultivate a better relationship with Britain’s farmers
Jack Marley
The empowering history of Cambridge’s neurodiversity
Eliza Ousey
Reclaim the Gym!
Evie Nicholson
How can we fix the crisis in higher education?
Evie Nicholson and Freddie Reid both think higher education is in a crisis. In this column, they go head to head on how to end it
Sydney Heintz
Don’t (just) go to your lectures
Sydney Heintz explains how to make your own All-American liberal arts degree, right here in Cambridge
Grace Cobb
Celebrity deaths are not for clickbait
Rosie Roberts
A defence of Cambridge clubbing
Max La Bouchardiere
The radical politics of Halloween
Tom Ainscough
The Grafton Centre is Cambridge’s true hidden gem
Long Read
Starmer’s first 100 days, according to Cantabs
Lili Fairclough
What the media get wrong about male violence against women
Evie McMahon
Universities need to reconsider their outlook on A-Level resits
Daisy Stewart Henderson
On the EasyJetification of Eastern Europe
Laura Malaussene
Europe’s summer of discontent
Laura Malaussene asks how the EU should respond to the success of parties like Germany’s AFD
Sam Moore
Cambridge’s new free speech code is a return to the culture wars
Sam Moore argues that the University’s new free speech code creates problems for itself — and for its students
Max La Bouchardiere
Long-distance relationships make Cambridge easier
Daisy Stewart Henderson
My college’s terrible gender imbalance has a lot to do with meritocracy
Head to Head
Head to head: Freshers’ Fair or Freshers’ Foul?
Rosie Roberts
Shake off our parasocial politics
Tom Ainscough
Cambridge is cooking up a kitchen problem
Maddy Browne
In praise of the local library
Laura Malaussene
Starmer’s tobacco ban gives people back their freedom
Luca Chandler
AI doesn’t have to be as frightening as it seems
Hattie Holford-Smith
The unspoken divides of the long vacation
We must be more considerate when discussing the long vacation, argues Hattie Holford-Smith
Alex Lee
Goodbye to my beloved bike
Sustainable transport in Cambridge should be a model for the rest of the country, argues Alex Lee
Naomi Cray
Misinformation, violence, and Facebook
Fatima's Fieldnotes
The riots shouldn’t have come as a surprise
Joe Parsons
We need to talk about Mickey Mouse degrees
Eliza Ousey
We need to rethink how we view school privilege
Tom Ainscough
Why we should be reading newspapers
Evie McMahon
College families counteract the pressure of Freshers’ week
Hugh Jones
Make Cambridge easier – just not too much
Rosie Roberts
Stop debating women’s colleges
Alex Lee
Colleges should stop gatekeeping the backs
Alex Lee argues that the west bank of the Cam should be open to the public
Daisy Stewart Henderson
Cambridge has a troubled relationship with Scottish students
Daisy Stewart Henderson argues systemic failings in Scotland are depriving students of an Oxbridge education
Tom Ainscough
Just Stop Overreacting
Lauren Bird
What Cambridge gets right about mental health
Sydney Heintz
Bring back memorisation
Maddy Browne
University can be a halfway house for young people
Lauren Bird
England’s rioters have an entitlement problem
Cambridge and its students are not for political point scoring
Against the bratification of Kamala Harris
Ed Davey’s biggest stunt? Reviving the Lib Dems
When I fly home, I become a different person
Gabrielle Kurniawan reflects on the ‘fiery internal conflict of epic proportions’ that comes with being an international student
Trump survived, but can American democracy?
Evie Selby considers the consequences of the recent assassination attempt on Donald Trump for the presidential election and American democracy
This country will be a difficult one for Labour to unite
Let’s turn the tide on political cynicism
Open days: fact versus fiction
Social mobility: it’s a double-barrelled shotgun
Faculties must make exam timetables fairer
Fatima's Fieldnotes
Town vs gown? Bridging the imaginary chasm
I voted Labour, but I’m not sure I did the right thing
Fatima's Fieldnotes
The TikTokification of the ‘genny lec’ was an unwelcome distraction
Head to Head
Can things only get better?
Matthew Taylor and Sam Hudson go head to head on what they think the general election results mean for the future
How the dad bod won politics
Sam Hudson argues that voters now seek stability in something they trust, the dad bod
Urban planning should not be this controversial
The University risks making a blunder out of the Benin plunder
The Gen-Z-ification of culture is giving me the ick
Is the library a thing of the past?
Cambridge’s northerners need a reality check
The English Faculty had bugs to fix long before the Inspera implosion
Matthew Taylor
Is co-ed the answer?
Head to Head
You May (or May not) go to the Ball
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