Jaipreet Lully explores the role of cultural societies at Cambridge in diversifying the university and providing a safe space
Julia Ongking talks to Cantabs about their lecture attendance
Frankie Gardner discovers the wassailing practices of Cambridgeshire
Mimi Ronson explores headphone culture at Cambridge
Jaipreet Lully explores what home means for students as they navigate Cambridge
Student Work
Lowenna Biscoe uncovers the inner workings of student-run college bars
Bee-autiful! Delve into the world of Cambridge’s beekeeping societies with Sadia Batool
Vintage Varsity
Resident Varsity Archivist Vialli McComb uses the wisdom and experiences of Bridgemas past to help you with your gift-buying this festive season
Vintage Varsity
Resident Varsity Archivist Vialli McComb explores the mid-century shift in student gown wearing
Research travel
Reflecting on the value of travelling for research purposes, Cynthia Francis relays the experience in Delhi
King's Bunker
Joanne Yau explores Gen Z Cambridge students’ longing for a cringier, freer past through Bunker parties, digital cameras, and ironic fashion
Switching tripos
Switching degree subjects is a nerve-wracking experience, but Lucy Thomas dispells the rumours and speaks to students who have gone through the process
Vintage Varsity
Resident Varsity archivist Vialli McComb reflects on past reactions to tuition fee rises
Sex and Relationships
Ria Patel speaks to those hoping to transform consent culture at Cambridge
Vintage Varsity
Noughties Varsity cartoons lampooning student issues
Every summer, cohorts of penultimate year students look forward to suits and Excel in their corporate internships
Facebook confessions pages
Long Read
Famke Veenstra-Ashmore investigates the diverse reasons people study for a Master’s at Cambridge
Vintage Varsity
Isaac Stephenson investigates how the AIDS crisis impacted Cambridge students
Calum Murray speaks to students and staff about the value of studying humanities
May Balls
Lily O’Sullivan explores the long-standing tradition of gatecrashing May Balls
Alex Myall looks back at Cambridge’s not-so-certain path to becoming a cycling city
Student living
Rosie Roberts investigates how the Cambridge system encourages us to forgo basic chores
Vintage Varsity
Isaac Stephenson reflects on how CUSU once led the way in student movements
Nick James explores Cambridge’s lack of a nightlife, and why the city is such an outlier