I should begin by saying that Pierre wishes to clarify that despite Varsity’s listings claiming that G.G.T.H will ‘bring you dark, sexy sketches’, that’s not quite true. ‘It’s not like every sketch is clad in a dark purple suit’ he explains. Frankly, I’m a little saddened by this, but their plans for props make up for it. Phil says they’ll be leaving those in the side-spaces at the front of the stage, easy for the performers to grab to ‘make a dream happen’.

Phil says there'll be 'some singing and some dancing'Helen Cahill

The team refuse to reveal the secret behind the title – that’s reserved for people who pay to see the show. Obviously, it was a deliberate strategy. It’s a marketing technique born out of the general vision behind the production – they’re keen to start a little controversy, and Pierre says that some sketches ‘could prompt some complaint letters’. They’re excited about creating something satirical, as they feel that there’s a lack of politics in Cambridge comedy. Don’t worry though, they’ve made the content accessible to all, and Pierre has done his research, ‘I tried out some of the jokes on a confirmed idiot and he loved them’.

Phil promises the show will be ‘stand-alone’. They’re all well-established in the Cambridge comedy scene, so perhaps it's unsurprising that G.G.T.H will be a reaction against what has gone before. There won’t be any off-white shirts, blue lighting, or rewinding noises. Ali highlights the need to give a relaxed feel to a comedy performance. They’re having less slick transitions between sketches because ‘you need to give people time to laugh’.

The others were disheartened that Pierre wouldn't sit with themHelen Cahill

Getting Phil to direct came from Pierre and Ali’s experience putting together ‘Mexican Stand-Off’ last year, as Ali admits they ‘could’ve done with a director’. It seems Pierre and Ali’s working relationship originated from a small amount of comedic peer-pressure. Ali had no choice but to perform in the Corpus Smoker, ‘he had to do the gig’ Pierre says, ‘I was going to introduce him and leave a blank slot for as long as his set would’ve taken if he didn’t turn up’.

Pierre, Ali and Phil are all clearly very relaxed in the ADC clubroom. Perhaps it’s a flaw of my journalistic technique, but I didn’t really need to ask many questions - they had plenty to say about the show. This didn’t mean they were particularly revealing though, so there’s a limited insight I can actually offer anyone reading this. An excellent strategy on their part – I guess you’ll just have to go and see G.G.T.H next week to find out more.