It's already been the focus of most of our dinner time conversations this week: "If you had to choose one film that changed your life in some way, what would it be?" Here's some of our favourite responses:

A Clockwork Orange
"Well I was about 14 when I saw it and Malcolm McDowell became my pinup - I didn't really recognise how violent it was at the time. It seemed at the time to validate the behaviour of a lot of the people on my estate. But I also knew it was dark but didn't really understand how dark." (Jayne Mills)

Saturday Night Fever
"It made me want to make something of myself and go to university. I didn't want to end up a lowlife." (Craig Slade)

"It gave me recurring nightmares." (Anon.)

Lilo & Stitch
"My dad used to work for Disney, and I got to see a lot of films there. It was one of the last films (if not the last?) I got to see there, so I associate it with him getting fired, which was a bit messy. I've seen it a couple of times since, and I still think it gets to grips with more issues than most adult films do, and handles ones that are traditionally so saccharine as to be unworkable - 'family' for one - in a way that is accessible. And I guess I thought Stitch was cute?" (Nicholus Hulbert)

A Clockwork Orange finds itself in the dinner favouritesBethan Kitchen

Catch Me If You Can
"It makes you think "why not?"" (Sam Brain)

El mariachi
"Rodriguez made a film [that cost] less than 7000 dollars look like it had a massive budget. He raised the money by selling himself to medical coroporations to test all their drugs on, and he ended up at Sundance with Tarantino with a film in Spanish that he'd just made for the Mexican market. Basically, it really got me into film and showed me that its possible to go from nothing to a massive name in film just like that!" (Archie Henderson-Cleland)

The Lion King
"It's central to who I am: I grew up with it. It makes me cry. It introduced me to so many ideas. So much of the way I conceive the world is tied to The Lion King: family, responsibility, guilt." (Qasim Alli 

La vita è bella
"I went to see it with a German friend. It's such a moving, heart-breaking film yet there are parts where you laugh. Amazingly written. At the end we walked out and were very subdued. We went our separate ways as I wasn't sure what to talk to her about." (Jane Oakley) 

Toy Story
"It made be hopeful that my toys have a life outside of what I could see. Also, I'm obviously Andy." (Andrew Corcoran)

"It's my 'I'm grateful to be single ' movie." (Jill Raymond)

American Pie
"It came out at at a time where hormones and puberty were all over the place and the film answered a lot of questions I was too embarrassed to ask a parent. It's still one of my favourite films and was a kind of teenager's bible for me growing up." (Rhys Mills)

Hotel Rwanda
"It didn't necessarily change my life but it provided me with a different perspective in life, especialy when im feeling down or upset." (Anon.) 

What film has changed your life?