From gloves to groovy boots, Varsity Fashion have got you coveredDAISY COX @COOLARTBYACOOLDUDE FOR VARSITY

Rise and shine students, it's time to start another Michaelmas term. This is what we, at Varsity Fashion, are most excited to wear this Autumn. 

On keeping warm (and practical) in the colder months

Of course, I am excited about whipping out my black dresses for formals. Yet, in my heart I’m a simple soul; nothing beats keeping warm for me. Thus, I am most looking forward to a pair of knitted fingerless gloves I picked up in the summer from a small shop in Prague. They’re blue, made of wool and I love them. Knitwear is a must for our cold winters, pick things up from charity shops, Depop or even learn to knit. Staying warm never goes out of style. Over to my team who will have more interesting picks! Lily Kemp (Fashion editor) 

The item of clothing that I’m particularly excited to sport this upcoming term is without doubt the blazer! As an avid collector of these structured pieces, I’ve found the versatility of a well-timed blazer cannot be trumped. Bad hair day? Bloated? My solution: the blazer. I rely on neutrals and whites and this beige oversized piece always triumphs in my eyes. It is a staple worth the investment! A clean, cute blazer outlives any micro trend that soon gets expensive, especially if you aim to dress to those Cambridge standards. Neha Manoj (Staff Writer) 

Staying warm never goes out of styleDAISY COX @COOLARTBYACOOLDUDE FOR VARSITY

Slip on a coat: it’s the most wonderful time of the year. Brave the Michaelmas wind with your hands buried in the pockets of a coat that lets you float down King’s Parade, and I know you'll have a good, cold-free term. My personal favourites are ones of considerable length. Outerwear of leather, wool or corduroy that drape close to your ankles makes for an outfit that always looks effortlessly put together, even if that isn’t true for the inside. There’s nothing quite like the ingenuity of a portable blanket, and when 9 am lectures steal me away from the warmth of my bed, you’ll be sure to find me tucked into my best coat. Nafisa Mahmood (Deputy Fashion editor) 

Autumn is jacket season. Whether it’s a Lorelai Gilmore-esque leather trench or your grandma’s vintage fur, it’s time to splash your statement outerwear up and down the aisles of Mainsbury’s. The piece I am most excited to wear also happens to be my greatest charity shop find to date. A one hundred per cent wool jacket that was hand knitted in the Faroe Islands. The best part? A huge, fluffy white collar that makes it look just like something Jadis the White Witch would wear. Speaking of Narnia, I’m confident I could survive an eternal winter wearing this jacket alone. Cruella de Vil, eat your heart out. Maya Stokes (Staff Writer)

On the little, but oh-so-important details


With autumn finally here, I am most excited about wearing my 1950s-style green skirt with maple leaves printed along the hem, from Collectif. After a summer of low-waisted cargo pants, a skirt makes a refreshing change to the wardrobe, and it goes great with all the leaves scattered across Sidgwick Avenue— which is a consolation given how damned slippery those leaves can get. While Collectif has many stores across the UK and online, I bought this skirt from the independent shop, Pocket Watch and Petticoats here in Cambridge. Be sure to check them out and support a local business this season. Paloma Shemirani (Staff Writer) 

What’s autumn without the perfect pair of boots? Though my affectionately bruised Doc Martens maintain a very special place in my heart, it’s my cowboy boots that I’ll be reaching for this season. There’s a certain edge and elevated coolness about the cowboy boot that forms the spotlight of any outfit, where the devil’s all in the details. From black, brown or red leather, to floral embroidery or suede tassels, finding your perfect pair of western allure doesn’t have to be reserved for the summertime. Paired with a funky printed maxi dress or skirt, denim shorts and an oversized blazer, or even underneath a trusty pair of Levi’s 501s, it’s a versatile shoe that looks good all year round. (Just, if you see me clopping around Sidgwick late for a lecture, don’t ask questions.) Kasia Truscott (Creative Director)

On getting back into the academic groove


Those who know me know my infamous jurse (jean purse), my beloved denim mini bag. The other day I came across its big sister, the jote, and I had to get her. I mean a jean tote, of course. It’s a comically large tote bag with nine functional pockets at the front. It’s much sturdier than my now-decimated old canvas tote and can probably hold double the stuff. Now that I’m a *deep shaky breath* finalist, it’s time to be mature and functional. My jote and I will see you there. Anna Chan (Creative Director) 


Mountain View

Style lessons from the screen: film and TV’s best dressed students

Seeing as the last time I was fully committed to academic pursuits was when I wore a uniform, my thinking is if I replicate the fashion style, it will replicate the lifestyle. Don’t question the logic, I promise it’s going to do bits for my degree. Any button-down shirt, a dark-coloured skirt and jumper, and perhaps tights if you think legs out is going to provoke scandal at Sidgwick. Izzy Duffy-Cross (Staff Writer)

So there you have it, fashionistas, the Varsity back-to-school guide. We can’t wait to see what you’re wearing this back-to-school season!

Love, the Fashion team x

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