Aoife McGrath on this Autumn's trendsAoife McGrath with permission for Varsity

As August becomes September, and the start of term inches ever closer, our summer outfits are retired to the back of our wardrobes. Our jackets and jumpers begin to come out of the woodwork for another year. In a world where we experience trend after trend at an increasing rate, it's hard to keep your finger constantly on the pulse. Luckily for you, after hours of scouring Pinterest and every fashion Instagram page you could imagine, I have compiled a list of autumn trend predictions, which hope to get your Michaelmas wardrobe in shipshape well in advance of October. 

Animal print (but not quite what you think)

A new take on animal printAoife McGrath with permission for Varsity

We’ve seen the rise – and maybe fall, not that I’m ready to give it up yet – of leopard print, but what if we interpreted animal print in a new way? Instead of coats inspired by various big cats, I think that we will see full creatures on our clothing, particularly bugs or sea creatures. Creators like @maggs_rags on Instagram are pioneering a scrapbook style sewing technique, but I also think that preexisting prints will be popular. Who doesn’t love a cute animal on their shirt? 

Denim, denim and more denim

Double denim is making a comebackAoife McGrath with permission for Varsity

Although denim is something that never really goes out of style, I think we will start to see more jackets than in previous years, as well as double denim (ah!). Love it or hate it,  they are back and here to stay. If styled well, with either matching or contrasting colourways, double denim can be a real look, taking us right back to that iconic Britney Spears and Justin Timberlake moment of the early 2000s.


The 'dainty' cardigan is particularly popularAoife McGrath with permission for Varsity

Sticking with how we’re going to keep ourselves warm in the long winter months, the transition from the everyday jumper to cardigans reminiscent of Blair Waldorf’s wardrobe will be stark. There are so many fun ways to incorporate this elegant piece, from fun colours and buttons to different shapes. While the daintier, closer fitting style is cropping up more frequently, if a baggier fit is more your vibe, then this is a great way to stay on trend too!

Polka dots

The colder weather won't put an end to polka dotsAoife McGrath with permission for Varsity

While this is definitely something that has also graced our summer outfits, I can’t wait to see how this trend crosses over into autumn. I’m envisioning big bags (I’m looking at you, Sidge girlies), scarfs and hats all adorned with this playful print. Even if you’re team stripes, how can you resist the temptation of such a nostalgic print? Think Mini Boden. 

Big bangles

"Having bracelets from your elbow to your hand will be all the rage."Aoife McGrath with permission for Varsity

Easily found at any charity shop or car boot sale, as we move away from the ‘clean girl’ aesthetic and into an era of maximalism, having bracelets from your elbow to your hand will be all the rage. There is so much room here to customise this trend to your personal taste, and this move to more unique pieces allows far more freedom and less pressure to conform.  Your clutter of jewellery may be heard wherever you go – but there is nothing wrong with making a statement! 


The colour of the Autumn having bracelets from your elbow to your hand will be all the rage.

Already dubbed the colour of the autumn, I may be a little biased as this does happen to be my favourite colour. This rich colour suits every complexion, and feels synonymous with the season. We move away from the pastels and lighter shades of summer and into the darker, murkier ones of autumn. As your tan inevitably fades, the colours you wear should change to match, with burgundy being the perfect colour for this!


Mountain View

It's time to give the statement earring some love

That concludes my trend predictions list. Hopefully, it has provided inspiration for new pieces to bring into your autumn wardrobe. Now all we have to do is wait to see if they come true! 

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