Hannah Le Seelleur and Seyi Adeyamo, Corpus Christi's pair of college repsHannah Le Seelleur with permission for Varsity

What inspired you to become a college representative for Pink Week?

I joined in on all the pink week events at my college in my first year and loved the safe, friendly community it created and opportunities to meet new people within my own college! I decided to do the same in my second year and had a blast bringing the college community together for such an important cause. 

What responsibilities did you have as a college representative? 

I and a co-college representative organised seven events in total: life drawing and cupcake decorating for the artsy people, a quiz night and open mic night for people wanting to join in with their friends, a yoga session for a bit of zen, a college Pink Week formal + after party and the final event…Corpus Men Get Streamlined night that got the boys involved! I had to plan, organise, arrange participants (victims) and promote these events to get everyone involved and aware, as well as running the college Pink Week Instagram!

What was the biggest challenge you faced while organising events?

I would say getting people hyped for the events in advance was a bit challenging so it involved a lot of promoting through word of mouth, posters, social media and themed bar items to get everyone in the Pink Week Spirit!

You raised the most money out of all the college reps last year. How did you encourage your peers to participate, and what do you attribute your success to?

I really tried to get an event for everyone and made sure they were something people could attend with their friends. I would also say making it personalised to the college community by putting familiar faces on the Instagram and drumming up support through word of mouth made a massive difference. For the final night, I took a few promo pics of the boys posing in bras to show their support for the Instagram and it got massive engagement — everyone started pre-ordering wax strips from there and the bar was packed before the event even started!

Which was your favourite event, and why? 

My favourite (and bestselling night) was definitely when I got the boys involved! I felt like in previous events I had attended, a lot of the men in the college community felt like it was a female-intended space and often didn’t get involved - I wanted to change this and create more of a community-wide support. My big idea was to round up a few male victims and sell wax strips to their friends for £3 a pop to wax them in the bar, and it was a big success! From this final night alone, we raised over £800 of our £1100 grand total (including a £120 preorder of 40 wax strips from an alumni investment banker) and everyone loved it (/suffered profusely)! 

Students enjoying the Pink Week FormalHannah Le Seelleur with permission for Varsity

What has been the most rewarding aspect of your involvement with Pink Week?

I really loved seeing my small, friendly college community come together for these events and have a great time. We even got one of the bar staff giving up his leg to be waxed! I especially loved giving a speech at the Pink Week Formal speaking about the important charities we were raising money for. 

Why should people consider applying to be a college rep?


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It’s a great way to meet everyone in your college, think outside of the box, organise fun and silly events with all of your friends and, of course, raise money for a very important cause!

What advice would you give to other students who are considering getting involved in a cause like this?

I would say no idea is too crazy (within reason). Know your college and the types of events they love to get involved in and try to organise a range of events so everyone feels welcome and can get involved.

If you're interested in applying to be a college rep for Pink Week 2025, apply by clicking this link before October 18th.