Cambridge is undoubtedly a place of wonder. Magic is seared into the walls, into the landscape. It’s a place where creativity has flourished for hundreds of years; where great poets roamed and the paintings of Monet and Titian hang. It’s a place of architectural beauty, of green grass and rivers and meadows galore. Yet, when term becomes frantic, how much time do we give ourselves to slow down and revel in the aesthetic abundance that this city has to offer?

In the modern times we’re living in - this new age of Track and Trace, Zoom, and constant bad news - enchantment can be a difficult thing to find. More than ever, technology is at the epicentre of our lives, drawing us further and further away from engaging with the beauty of the city around us. This term may also be one of stress and worry for many, and while we can no longer reach for the comforting tactility of friendship in our socially distanced world, here’s how you can fall in love with Cambridge.

  1. Go Punting

There’s nothing like the peaceful sway of a punting trip to clear your mind, as you drift along the Cam with picturesque scenery in all directions.

“Cambridge is a place where creativity has flourished for hundreds of years.”

  1. Stand on Garret Hostel Bridge (Orgasm Bridge) and look out over the river

Just off King’s Parade, this spot is even more dreamy in the sunshine.

  1. Look around the Fitzwilliam Museum

This Trumpington Street art gallery houses the works of the most prestigious European artists of all time, including Matisse, Titian, Monet, and Degas to name a few. If I’m ever lacking in inspiration, I simply take a trip to the French Impressionist room, and fall in love with life all over again.

  1. Visit The Botanic Gardens

Just outside Cambridge city centre, the Cambridge University Botanic Gardens cover 40 acres of land, and hold a collection of over 8,000 plant species. It’s the perfect place to get lost in a dreamworld of your own imagination, and fully escape the stress of looming deadlines.

  1. Read Wordsworth’s The Prelude

William Wordsworth, along with the likes of Lord Byron, Lord Tennyson, Sylvia Plath and E M Forster, is one of the most renowned literary icons to have attended Cambridge University. The Prelude is an extended autobiographical poem that, amongst other things, sees Wordsworth reflect upon his experiences of life as a student in Cambridge. There’s no better way to fall in love with the city than to read such beautiful words.

  1. Walk along the river in Jesus Green


Mountain View

So, what's next?

Jesus Green is one of the most beautiful parks in Cambridge. As we descend into the colder months, and the leaves turn all shades of orange and brown, this walk only gets more gorgeous.

  1. Swim in the river Cam

Follow in the footsteps of Lord Byron and take a dip in the Cam near the village of Grantchester. Although, perhaps wait until Easter term for this one. It might be a bit chilly at the moment.

  1. Go to Kettle’s Yard Gallery and House

The Kettle’s Yard site in Castle Street contains an art gallery with rotating exhibits, typically with more contemporary pieces than the Fitzwilliam. But the main exhibit is the house itself. Once lived in by former Tate Gallery curator Helen Ede, the house is a masterpiece of a display of art, ceramics, furniture and natural objects. It’s a truly magical place to look round.

  1. Take a walk in Coe Fen Park and Paradise Fen Nature Reserve

More walks with gorgeous natural landscapes.

  1. Visit Grantchester Orchard Tea Room

The Orchard Tea Room is a dreamy place to get lunch or afternoon tea, especially in the summer months, and Grantchester provides a great escape from the busy town centre.

These are just ten of my favourite things to explore in Cambridge, but in our whimsical, historic city, there is always more to discover. So, instead of perpetually stressing about your supervisions, why not take some time off to connect with the place you call home? Believe it or not, there’s a hell of a lot to love.

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