Reject Taco Bell and embrace European tradition!Amina Khawaja for Varsity

Crêpeaffaire, the Bridge Street delight. It’s the epicentre of Cambridge life, right across from the Union, en route to the university gym for many, and close enough to the Mainsbury’s to warrant a detour. In short, Crêpeaffaire is a beacon, a sanctuary, an escape from the everyday grind (especially if you’re grinding for deals).

Now, let’s set the record straight: this is not a puff piece. No Nutella-stained bribes have passed my way from the French fifth column across from the Round Church. No, I’m here on a mission to spread the good news about the deal of the century that Crêpeaffaire dishes out. And unlike your average food reviewer, I don’t feel the need to add a dash of critique to sound credible. This is Lifestyle, where we bring only good things to your lives. Now, let’s get to the important stuff.

“The flavours range from Oreo to … who even reads the menu beyond the Oreo options?”

£3 crêpes every Tuesday and Wednesday. That’s practically the price of a college bar pint! The flavours range from Oreo to … who even reads the menu beyond the Oreo options? And if that wasn’t enough, they’ll even throw in a bit of ice cream to fend off your freshers’ flu.

Now, before you start murmuring about the money Crêpeaffaire or other city discoveries take out of students’ wallets, take one look around during the Crêpeaffaire frenzy. Most people pop in, grab their dough, and dash. No one’s lounging around, letting their crêpe cool while they philosophise about the merits of the crepe-to-ice-cream ratio. No, this deal runs from 2 to 5pm – and if you’re hanging around at this hour, I suspect that overdue supo essay is lurking somewhere behind your guilty conscience. An unconscious purchase of a sitting-in levy, or a coffee “while I’m here” is completely avoided, especially if you live nearby.

Let’s be a little John’s-centric for a moment, shall we? As a Corfield Court resident, I practically live atop this sugar paradise. I hear the where’s my baccy vocalists griping about lacrosse practice, see international students enjoying their crêpes against the Round Church wall (as I warily draw my curtains), and am constantly vexed by the free WiFi that dares to disrupt my Eduroam. I’ve grown a soft spot for Crêpeaffaire’s in-house treats, which are my well-earned compensation for enduring the late-night revellers making their merry way to Revs.

For those of you beyond the walls of John’s, the purpose of this piece is a call to arms – a manifesto, if you will, to support our local economy. Reject Taco Bell and embrace European tradition!


Mountain View

Bibimbap House: the best Korean food in Cambridge

This deal slots in perfectly between college lunch (11:30am-1:30pm) and that hallowed 6pm dinner. If you’ve missed lunch due to the consequences of an especially late evening, or simply need a mid-afternoon pick-me-up, just shuffle down to the best small business in town. Don’t fast, friends; fork over that £3 for a shot of sugar and a boost to our local economy.

And if none of this appeals to you, well, find your own spot. Leave the fast-food chains to the tourists – Crêpeaffaire is for those who still believe in a world of taste and tradition.

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