Elise (left) and George (right)christopher lorde for varsity


What were your pre-date expectations?

I mean, I was hoping for a fun evening to be honest. That was my main goal. I didn’t have any huge expectations; my expectations were that I didn’t know what to expect, really. I was hoping to meet someone who I could have a laugh and a fun evening with over a few drinks.

What was your first impression of Elise?

She seemed nice, seemed really approachable. She laughed at my jokes and I laughed at hers so that was really good. She seemed lovely … a very chatty person.

“I think we’re quite different people, our interests didn’t overlap too much”

What did you talk about?

We did the basic ‘name, college’ stuff, but then we spoke about movies for a bit. She actually does a lot of FemSoc stuff and she knows my college wife through that, so we had that in common. We spoke about other mutuals we had, and our families.

Any awkward moments?

No massive ones. There were some bits when it was quieter but the conversation flowed quite well.

Describe Elise in three words

Chatty, funny and interesting.

What do you think she thought of you?

I think we’re quite different people. I don’t think our interests overlapped too much, but I think the conversation was good so maybe she thinks similarly to what I think of her. I hope something nice!

Would you see her again?

I don’t see a relationship coming from it, but I did really get on with her so if she wants to meet up again for drinks and have a laugh again then yes.

What would you rate the date out of 10?

Let’s go for a 7.


What were your pre-date expectations?

I didn’t really have expectations. I haven’t really been on a date in a year and a bit. I got to a point in my life where I thought ‘maybe this is worsening my self-esteem rather than helping it.’

So, you met at the Mitre. What were the vibes like?

I hadn’t been there before but it’s really nice. He paid for the first round and then we moved to the Pickerel and I paid for the second round. The Pick was really lively – we saw a bunch of my friends and I think he saw some of his friends, which was funny.

What did you think of his friends?

His mate had organised a Hinge date and thought it would be funny if they went on a date at the same time, so they were sat at the other end of the bar in the Mitre. He said to say ‘hello’ to his friend and his date. [Laughs] I didn’t.

“He was the first economist I’d probably ever spoken to during my degree”

Then when we saw a couple of our friends in the Pick, that’s when I realised our incompatibilities were showing. He met someone who he had been on a Civil Service internship with, and I was like ‘okay, he’s a third year economist and a Civil Service intern,’ and I think the only employable features about me are … I dunno. I’m a pink-haired feminist, so do with that what you will. It was quite a funny contrast.

What did you guys talk about? Were there any awkward moments?

No. I’m a yapper, though! So I tend to fill every silence. One of the first things we talked about was a horrible story about this man I dated, and I got about five minutes in and thought ‘why am I telling this story right now? ’. He was the first economist I’d probably ever spoken to during my degree, so I was trying to get to grips with how his degree worked. I told him about how much I loathed economic history, which was okay because he does too. We discussed his background as a man who comes from Chichester, and I was like, ‘cool! ’. He asked me if I knew where that was and I was like ‘nope! ’.

Can you describe George in three words?


Mountain View

Dear diary … my heart hurts at how time passes

Very pink shirt. I was shitting myself a bit when you said he had a beard and was wearing a pink shirt, because I thought ‘there are very few people in life who can pull off those two things’. But he did!

What do you think he thought of you?

I have no idea. I hope he found me somewhat endearing. I think he found me funny. Sometimes I made him laugh so much he’d cough, but maybe he was just struggling with something. I don’t know.

Would you see him again?

I’d see him again, just not in a romantic setting.

What would you rate the date out of 10?

5. But that feels mean! If he puts anything higher than 5, put a 7.

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