What should your Cambridge New Year’s resolution be?
Get out of the Christmas slump with Jessica Spearman‘s quiz

It’s (no longer) the most wonderful time of the year. Christmas is over, and since Boxing Day, you’ve been hungover, living on chocolate selection boxes, and binge-watching Derry Girls for the 17th time. Tired of the monotonous daily routine and not knowing what date it is? It’s time to start thinking about the New Year that’s dawning, and all the changes you’re going to make (at least for the first three days). If you want to know what your New Year’s resolution should be, based on deeply researched psychological knowledge, take this quiz!
What are you usually doing on a Friday night?
A: Pres, Raza, MASH
B: In the library, getting ahead of my work
C: My favourite society has a committee social
D: Going on a date
What’s your favourite thing to watch over the winter vacation?
A: Home Alone
B: University Challenge, Christmas edition
C: The King’s speech
D: Love Actually
What would be your typical workout?
A: Does dancing on a sticky club floor count?
B: Walking up and down the library stairs
C: Rowing, duh
D: Sex?
What’s your favourite festive activity?
A: Getting wine drunk with various relatives
B: Post-Christmas dinner family quiz
C: Going on a walk on Boxing Day
D: Watching Christmas romcoms
What’s your go-to meal?
A: Chips from Gardies
B: A pasta dish
C: A well-cooked meal prep dish
D: Whatever restaurant I’ve picked for a third date
If you picked mostly option A: Finish your supo work on time
I, too, have also treated university a bit too much like uni, and I suppose in our hearts we’ll always be silly freshers. Alas, 2025 is the year in which we let that attitude leave our minds. There’s been many occasions where I’ve spent Thursday nights, or should I say Friday mornings, in the library, frantically typing away at an essay I should have started on Sunday, when instead, I went to Lola’s and then to Revs a few days later. Now is your time to change! You’ll feel some short-term FOMO (if you count a lack of a hangover and the presence of enough sleep as FOMO), but, when you get your end of term CamCors report which gives you academic validation rather than existential dread, you’ll be grateful you stuck to your guns and did your work on time. Then, feel free to reward yourself with an end-of-term boogie!
If you picked mostly option B: Go to every Rumboogie and/or Sunday Kiki’s
Unlike those with a majority of option A, you spend every hour you can in the library, working hard, making sure you go to university rather than uni (is there a choice at Cambridge?). So, for this reason, you deserve a break. I bet you never miss a day of the NYT mini puzzles, and who can blame you; how else would you start your day? You probably grew up keeping your friends’ Snapchat streaks because they knew you could be relied upon. So, here’s a resolution for a new streak: don’t miss a single Wednesday Revs or Sunday Kiki's. At first, feel free to treat it as a social experiment, a form of anthropological research. By week five, you’ll either think ‘why didn’t I do this before?’ or know exactly why you never did. Here’s to trying!
If you picked mostly option C: Try a new society
Okay, we get it, your current society is your only personality trait. You spend all of your time either doing your society activities, or you’re talking about them. It’s borderline obsessive. At least you have a hobby, I suppose. But for the sake of the people around you, please get out and try something else. Brave the 6am alarm and try out rowing, channel your inner diva at the ADC, or maybe channel your inner Carrie Bradshaw and write for Varsity (Lifestyle especially). 2025 is the year of new personality traits, don’t be stuck with the same spiel from 2024; that’s so last year!
If you picked mostly option D: Delete Hinge
Haven’t you heard babe? 2025 is going to be your year. No, I don’t mean your year, where you finally find the romance straight out of Bridgerton that you’ve been fantasising about for the past year. 2025 is going to be the year where you’re going to achieve so many incredible things, which aren’t ‘humorous’ debriefs with your friends after a disastrous date. But, to do anything worthy of a LinkedIn post, you’re going to have to delete Hinge. And don’t even think about re-installing it this year.
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