One of the Uni4 busesALEX DRENNAN

CUSU Council voted this evening to oppose changes to the Uni4 bus route, after Homerton students launched a petition opposing changes which they said would cut people off from the Sidgwick Site.

A motion, proposed by Disabled Students’ Officer Jessica Wing, mandated CUSU to “oppose the changes to the Universal bus route”, and to “support and publicise the petition”.

Wing said that Homerton students were “absolutely livid” about the decision.

A former Homerton student herself, she said she could not have got through her studies without the service.

Will Hewstone, Homerton JCR President, sought an amendment to note that there had not been a full consultation.

The petition claims that the University made no effort to consult Homerton students, or staff at the Faculty of Education before creating the new service route in tandem with bus company Whippet.

Petition founder Anna Mulry described the decision as “devastating”, noting that the alternative bus route is more expensive and does not go near the Sidgwick Site, therefore making it harder for a large proportion of students to get to lectures.

In her motion, Wing said “disabled students in particular will be adversely affected by this route change”, which she said would “result in an inequality of access to academic study”.

CUSU President Amatey Doku was asked whether he had met with Pro-Vice-Chancellor for Planning and Resources Duncan Maskell. Doku said that he had frequent meetings with Maskell, and that he would speak to him based on the outcome of Council’s vote.

A University spokesperson said: “The new subsidised Universal bus service replaced the Uni4 in July 2016 after considerable work to appraise all options, and a long process of discussion at the relevant university committees. The University has supplied information to those on Hill’s Road affected by the change. This includes continuing to use the Universal bus service or using the other bus services which travel along Hill’s Road and have stops outside major locations like Homerton College."

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