The Tab's news team has apologised for the error Daniel Gayne

The Cambridge branch of the Tab newspaper has fired a writer and former Editor-in-Chief of theirs after allegations emerged that he had plagiarised an article in the Financial Times for their website.

Sachin Parathalingam wrote an article entitled ‘Cambridge Judge Business School set to expand’, almost the entire wording of which appeared to be verbatim of an article published in the Financial Times.

A statement released on the Cambridge Tab’s Facebook page said: “The News Team sincerely apologise for not identifying the error. The writer, Sachin Parathalingham [sic], has since been contacted and sacked.”

The original article, before it was removedSam Harrison

Parathalingam edited the Cambridge Tab in Michaelmas 2015. According to the outlet’s website, he is its fifth-most-read writer this month. He has also previously written news and features articles for Varsity.

Cambridge Tab Co-Editors-in-Chief Hannah Dawson and Rory Sachs told Varsity: “The article regarding the Judge Business school has been removed. The News Team sincerely apologise for not identifying the error. The writer, Sachin Parathalingam, has since been contacted and sacked.”

Asked why they decided to fire Parathalingam, they said: “We made the decision on this matter swiftly and internally to deal with the matter at hand.” 

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