The incident took place in the library of Clare CollegeEd g2s

Students who are allegedly members of a Clare College drinking society have caused damage to the Library Common Room (LCR) that has left the room temporarily out of use.

In an email circulated to students, Clare College Estates Manager Stuart Baker reported that the LCR had been closed due to "an incident involving damage to the room".

Clare students took to Facebook to put pressure on the students responsible to take responsibility. "Please can whoever trashed the lcr go see the head porter and own up so we can all get coffee, warmth and routine back", one wrote in the college's freshers' group.

Ultimately, the damage was traced back to two students, understood to be members of a Clare drinking society. One of the students responsible has publicly apologised, and made an offer to the head porter to clear up the mess personally.

The offer was, however, rebuffed, as the damage caused to the room was sufficient that repairs "need[s] to be done properly by the maintenance department".

Clare has two principal male drinking societies, the Crabs and the Bears.

Students are currently unable to access the room, and library staff and porters are unable to grant access to students.

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