CUSU was concerned that there would be insufficient interest in the constitutional referendum to make quorumLouis Ashworth

CUSU’s Election Committee has decided that two referendums on modernising updates to CUSU’s Constitution and Standing Orders (SOs) will take place simultaneously with the upcoming Presidential and Sabbatical Officer elections.

Taking place from 7th–10th March, the referendums require a simple majority, and for 10 per cent of total students to vote in favour of the changes, a number currently in the low 2,000s. As the 2016 elections drew 3,415 students to vote, the coinciding of the votes is likely to increase the chances of students approving the changes. This may explain why CUSU President, Amatey Doku, had purportedly been pushing for the votes to coincide.

The Constitution, which was described as “unfit for purpose”, is being updated to meet modern legal standards. It is also having significant areas moved, including details for handling “operational” elements of the students’ union’s activities. These “lower-level” changes include removing guidance for the composition of CUSU Council, details of which will now appear in the SOs.

CUSU is aiming to produce a leaner constitution, so that more elements of day-to-day business can be handled by the SOs instead. The SOs allow CUSU to expand on items contained in the Constitution, but Council guidance noted that currently they “are out of date and do not accurately reflect CUSU’s practices”. This may make CUSU more adaptable, as changes to the SOs can be made directly by council, without the need for a student-wide referendum.

The new SOs would also allow CUSU to take a side in a referendum, if mandated by Council. This may prove controversial after a year in which standing Council policy on Class Lists was overturned by student referendum

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