Peter Juhasz was due to begin his second run to be University Councillor, but withdrew on Friday morningPeter Juhasz

Peter Juhasz has withdrawn from the race to be University Councillor in the CUSU elections, leaving three candidates to fight it out.

Juhasz’s withdrawal was announced by the CUSU-GU elections committee at half past eight in the morning, half an hour before the official campaigning period was due to begin.

According to his campaign literature, he was intending to stand on a programme to involve JCRs and MCRs more closely in decision-making and win more student representation on committees of the University Council, but did not respond to press enquiries before the opening of campaigning.

He leaves behind a still-crowded field in the race to be the next University Councillor, which is the only position other than CUSU President being contested. Josh Jackson, Marcel Llavero Pasquina, and incumbent Umang Khandelwal will face off for the role.

Juhasz also stood to be University Councillor last year, but was defeated by Khandelwal.

The University Councillor is one of three student representatives on the University Council, the chief policy-making body of the University which has responsibility for managing its financial affairs and approving motions to go before Regent House, the sovereign body of the University. The other two are CUSU President and GU President, which gain places on the Council automatically.

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