Round-up of campaign day one
Campaigning off to an early start for 2017 CUSU elections

It’s only day one of CUSU campaigning and it's already shaping up to be an interesting election. Here’s your round-up of the first day of events.
University Council candidate drops out
Campaigning formally began at 9am this morning, however at 8:30am University Councillor candidate Peter Juhasz withdrew from the running, having been unresponsive to press enquiries in the lead up to the campaigning period. Juhasz also stood to be University Councillor last year, but was defeated by Khandelwal who is running again. Competition for the role is still heated, as it is the only contested position other than CUSU President.
Eyre campaign hits the ground on Sidgwick
As the day went on, students on the Sidgwick Site were met with flyers from campaigners for presidential candidate Daisy Eyre, briefly outlining her policies and her commitment to “representation”, “activism” and “communication”.
Social media barrage begins
Facebook notifications also informed many students of all 3 presidential campaigns, with all candidates making and sharing publicity events. The events have proven good platforms for all candidates to assert their suitability and experience for the role, featuring their manifestos. Drury's event also pioneered the hashtag “#IBackJack”.
Hustings timings announced
Timings for candidate hustings were released by the CUSU Elections Committee this afternoon. They are to be held on Monday evening from 6pm in the Mill Lane lecture building. Hustings for the role of University Councillor will take place separately, set for Tuesday at 8pm. Uncontested candidates will be met by a representative for RON, a name which will prove very prominent on Monday evening, given the high number of unchallenged positions
Comprehensive elections coverage
The latest news and analysis on the CUSU Elections, all in one place.
Visit Varsity’s Elections 2017 hub.
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