The nightclub, Kuda, where RAG’s post-Blind Date event will take placeSimon Lock

Cambridge club night organiser Big Fish Enterprises has backed off after a dispute with student charity Raising and Giving (RAG), who alleged that the company was undercutting RAG’s Valentine’s fundraising efforts.

RAG voiced concerns about reduced ticket sales for their Kuda event after Big Fish Ents offered free entry to Cambridge nightclub Lola Lo for any students with a RAG Blind Date form. Following press coverage of RAG's concerns, Big Fish Enterprises contacted RAG and agreed to comply with its requests to remove their branding.


Mountain View

RAG fight Big Fish Ents over Valentine’s club night clash

Big Fish Enterprises had used RAG and its ‘Blind Date’ event in branding materials for their ‘Anti-Valentine’s’ party at Lola Lo, which coincides with RAG’s ‘Official Kuda Afterparty’. In a statement, RAG had said it was “extremely disappointed” with Big Fish Enterprises, and “would like to encourage students to use their Blind Date forms to get reduced entry into the Official Kuda Afterparty”.

RAG Blind Date is an annual charity event in which Cambridge students can pay £5 to be set up on a date with another student. Its ‘Naughty Noughties’ afterparty is the intended finale to the event, where students who have taken part are given reduced entry into Kuda nightclub.

The student charity says it estimates that £10,000 will be raised for its selected charities from its Blind Date event, a portion of which will be raised from their Kuda afterparty ticket sales.

Both the Kuda and Lola Lo events are still scheduled for Thursday night

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