The nooses were hung from Wolfson's chandeliersVarsity

Hangman’s nooses were hung from chandeliers as a decoration at Wolfson’s Halloween formal, which was organised by the Wolfson College Student Association (WCSA), the college’s combined JCR and MCR.

Rugile Matuleviciute, Welfare Officer of the Wolfson College Student Association, told Varsity that though the formal was advertised as an event of the student association, decorations in the hall were handled by the College and the catering team, with no input from the WCSA.


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A Wolfson College spokesperson said that “a single, anonymous complaint” was received by email three days after the formal, when the decorations has been removed. The College did not receive any complaints on the evening of the formal.

Wolfson did not respond to Varsity’s questions on the appropriateness of nooses as decoration or the process by which the formal’s decorations were decided.

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