Stocking has been President of Murray Edwards College since 2013Hassan raja

The governing body of Murray Edwards College is set to meet on Tuesday to discuss the fate of its President Dame Barbara Stocking, as reported last night by the Times.

Stocking, President of the College since 2013, may lose her job after fresh allegations of mismanagement during her time as CEO of Oxfam GB arose in a report published last week by the Charity Commission.

Though it remains unclear whether a decision regarding Stocking’s future will be reached by Tuesday, the discussions will follow last February’s revelations of her involvement in the cover-up of sexual misconduct by senior Oxfam aid workers in the aftermath of the 2011 Haitian earthquake.

It also comes after MPs branded Stocking’s defence “tenuous” in a parliamentary inquiry into the allegations, during which she took six weeks leave as President following criticism from students.

While steering clear of imposing overt sanctions, the Charity Commissions’ report gave Oxfam an official warning for mismanagement.

Under Stocking’s lead, the aid giant is accused of failing to follow up and report allegations of girls as young as 12 being “used and beaten” by aid workers, as well as “encourag[ing] and facilitat[ing]” the resignation of Haiti country director Ronald van Hauwermeiren, who, while based in Haiti following the earthquake, was accused of using young prostitutes. Stocking emailed him in August 2011 citing his “significant contribution [...] to Oxfam’s work”. “For that work I remain grateful”, she wrote.

A source near to the College told the Times that the governing body, of which Stocking is chair, refusing to immediately comment on Tuesday’s meeting meant only that the over 50 fellows that are part of it were not rushing to judge the situation.

A spokesperson for Murray Edwards College told Varsity that they were “not able to give further comment beyond the fact that the College’s Governing Body is meeting to discuss the findings and recommendations from the Charity Commission’s report, and agree next steps”.

Varsity has reached out to Stocking for further comment.

The Murray Edwards Student Collective was quick to respond with a statement on the matter, arguing that the report “confirmed concerns” by students that “Stocking did not fulfil her responsibilities to those she needed to protect during her time as CEO”.

The statement further criticised Stocking's conduct in the aftermath of the investigations both at a college-level and publicly, citing the “ongoing negative impact [it was having] on students, particularly people of colour and survivors of sexual violence”, which was contradicting the College’s “responsibility to create a learning environment in which all people can thrive”.

The statement follows the College’s premature handling of the allegations last year, telling Varsity that they were “untrue”, which came without direct consultation of the student body.

In response, the JCR demanded – and later received – a formal apology from the College, while earlier this year some second-year Murray Edwards students refused to meet Stocking in traditional mid-degree meetings with the President in a show of opposition to what they viewed as the College’s failings.

It also comes as certain students hinted to the Times that customary kneeling before the President before graduation may be boycotted this year, if Stocking is still president at this time.

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