Cheese. Fireworks. Runciman. Composite by Chloe Bayliss

Week 2 - How do democracies change?

Lee Hall, Wolfson College, October 23rd, 6:00pm

In a time of Brexit, the question ‘is it possible to reinvent how politics is gone’ is more relevant than ever. Professor David Runciman will discuss how we can change democracy without undermining it.

Week 3 - Documenting Slaughter: War Photography in Syria and Libya

Peterhouse Parlour, October 24th, 8:30pm

Conroy was a photojournalist with Marie Colvin in Libya and Syria, but when a rocket killed Colvin and injured Conroy, he had to escape. Now a prominent campaigner working to expose war crimes in Syria, his talk is not one to miss.

Week 4 - Cambridge Live: Fireworks and bonfire night

Midsummer common, November 5th, 6pm

The annual free fireworks display will return to the skies of Cambridge this year, hosted by the city Council with BBC Cambridgeshire presenter Jeremy Sallis as compere.

Week 5 - A Cheesemonger’s History of the British Isles with Ned Palmer

Heffers, November 12th, 6:30pm

“Every cheese tells a story… and each style of cheese reflects the culture of the people who first made it, and their place in history”. There’s nothing like Ned Palmer talking about fromage to cure the week five blue (cheese).

Week 6 - British Politics in Turmoil

Frankopan Hall, Jesus, November 19th, 7:30pm

Miranda Green, deputy opinion editor and a regular columnist at the Financial Times, visits Cambridge to discuss her journalistic work and the current UK political landscape.

Week 7- Love From, Women, Library Late

University Library, November 26th, 7:30pm


Mountain View

Cambridge Union to host Edward Snowden, Dua Lipa in Michaelmas term

As part of their new exhibition, the UL has an evening of “live DJs, spoken word performances and an interactive art installation” exploring experiences of women and non-binary people at Cambridge.

Week 8 - The Nutrition and Cancer Journey

Wolfson, November 29th, 6pm

If you haven’t had enough learning by week eight, Professor Elio Riboli of Imperial College London’s talk will explore how important metabolic factors are in looking after our bodies.

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