The rally was organised by the anti-Brexit group Cambridge StaysAndrew Haynes

Yesterday, around 60 protestors gathered at the Guildhall for the ‘Brexit: Not Today, Not Ever!’ rally, hosted by Cambridge Stays. The demonstration featured people shouting “Bollocks to Brexit!” and waving signs which read “We already have the best deal” and “Sod a second referendum, let’s have a first honest referendum.”

Paul Browne, chair of Cambridge stays, thanked the crowd for coming out “to celebrate no Brexit day part 3”. He encouraged people to “not just vote tactically and smartly but to get out and campaign...We can win a people’s vote.”

Cheers erupted when speakers celebrated that we are still in the EU today and likewise increased at any criticism of Theresea May and Boris Johnson.

Daniel Zeichner, Cambridge’s Labour MP, stated “We have marched together, we have campaigned together, and what happened on 29th March? We stayed in the EU. What happened on the 31st October? We stayed in the EU. We will stay in the EU next week, next year. We have proved we can do it.”

“I need to say something about our Prime Minister, because so much of this mess is all about him. It was all about him when he wrote those things on a bus. It was all about him when he lied to the Queen about proroguing parliament.”

Lewis Herbert, leader of the City Council, had his speech interrupted by a man swearing “Bollocks!” at the crowd and shouting that “the country has voted.” People angrily shouted “Bollocks to Brexit” in response.


Mountain View

Divergent views from Cambridge’s Brexit and Lib Dem candidates at Selwyn hustings

Freddie Poser, a second-year Computer Science student at Gonville and Caius, made a speech for the Our Future Our Choice on behalf of young people. “As of today, 3 million more young people have turned eighteen...we’re clinging on to an invalid referendum instead of putting it back to the people in a second referendum.”

Mary Jennings, one of the organisers of Cambridge Stays, stated “Brexit is a tragedy for young people. It is the withdrawal of freedom of movement, easy access to study, erasmus.

“The EU is a peace project and it has kept the peace for many years. There’s been a lot in the news about tariffs and trade, but it’s not about that. The heart of the EU project is bringing people together.”

Other notable political figures included Labour City Cllrs. Rod Cantrill and Anna Smith.

Speakers made remarks such as “Happy ground hog day!” or “This is starting to feel quite familiar.” The rally ended with cheers and applause as people chanted in unison ’No Brexit today! No Brexit ever!”

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