Kawende will begin studying at St Edmund's College in OctoberSimon Lock

Crowdfunding a law degree “for social change”

Dylan Kawende, the 23-year-old son of Rwandan refugees, has succeeded in raising £60,000 to study Law at St. Edmund’s College, Cambridge.

Kawende set up a GoFundMe campaign to cover the cost of fees and accommodation in Cambridge, which has so far raised over £67,000. This exceeds his initial target of £60,000 to cover his two-year course in Law with Senior Status at St Edmund’s College.

Kawende had begun his crowdfunder last year, to begin his course in October 2019. However, he deferred the start of his course for a year after not being able to raise the funds.

“Words cannot capture the level of gratitude I’m experiencing right now towards my supporters,” wrote Kawende in a message addressed to his supporters.

Kawende has also been awarded a David Karmel Scholarship by Gray’s Inn, one of the ‘Inns of Court’ that train barristers in England and Wales.

Kawende, who is a graduate of the History and Philosophy of Science course at University College London, wants to become a “positive steward for social change” and “raise the aspirations” of people in his position.

The future student’s father, who fled Rwanda in 1994, had to reject an offer to study electronic engineering at Cambridge because he could not afford it.

Cambridge artists open windows

Cambridge Open Studios (COS), a network of artists in Cambridgeshire who invite the public into their working spaces every July, has rebranded during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now called Cambridge Open Windows, they will be exhibiting their work in windows and front gardens to let locals enjoy art from a social distance.

“I work in ceramic so I can’t push a painting against the glass and hope people will see it. Instead, I will be encouraging people to go against every polite fibre in their body and look through my front window,” said Jo Davies, one of the artists participating in the exhibition.

COS has published maps of Cambridge and its surroundings to highlight the locations of exhibiting artists. Members of the public must pay a visit to the artist to find out more about their work.

Over 140 members of the COS network are participating in the event.

Cambridge faculties open doors, virtually

The beginning of July is open day season at Cambridge, when prospective applicants come to the city to decide whether the University is right for them.

Coronavirus has made crowds of sixth-formers a danger to public health, but the University is still hoping to give them a taste of the Cambridge life, online.

At the Department of Geography, for example, Dr. Emma Mawdsley delivered a sample undergraduate lecture, entitled “Prisoners of Geography?”.

In addition to the faculties, Cambridge’s colleges are taking part in the open days. Many are hosting live Q&A sessions with current undergraduates and staff, while Jesus College has created a virtual tour.

Prospective applicants to Jesus can virtually stand on various College lawns, and even experience a drone’s eye view of its ancient buildings.

Cambridge folk to enjoy Cambridge Folk Festival at Home

The Cambridge Folk Festival has followed open days and many other mass gatherings in migrating online this year, the organisers announced on 1st July.


Mountain View

Light News – Week 9: Stranded cows, air displays and more punts

A virtual choir, “social media opportunities for audience interaction”, and “exclusive video content from artists” will feature in the programme, which will unfold from 30th July to 2nd August.

Bella Hardy, a folk singer who is a regular at the festival, will teach members of the public to perform a popular item of folk music. Participants will record themselves after the session, and send their videos to the organisers.

“We’ll use as many of those videos as we can to make one film of us all singing the song together,” said Hardy.

The festival, held annually since 1965, was cancelled in March by its organisers, Cambridge City Council.