Contribute to Varsity in Lent Term
Varsity is recruiting. Whether through writing, photography, videography, art, or more, there are many ways to share your story.
by Varsity Applications
This article is 4 years old
Share your story with Varsity.
As a team, we believe in the importance of the student voice. This Lent, we want to hear yours. Using a variety of creative forms, we work to uncover and confront truths within the University, to delve into our experiences as students here, and to see things from a variety of perspectives.
We’re looking for contributors to join each of the paper’s sections. Whether it’s through writing, illustrating, photography or videography, there’s a place for you to put your curiosity and ideas into practice. Don't worry if you don't have any experience – our team are more than happy to offer any support and guidance that you might need. Lent is the ideal term to try new things, whether you are a settling fresher, or a returning student, we want to cover every experience of Cambridge life through Varsity.
Above all, we champion diverse perspectives and outlooks on our University. So join us today, and help shape the conversation in Cambridge.
Below is the list of roles we’re recruiting for, along with information on how to apply. Got any questions about the roles? Pop an email to Gaby Vides and Georgina Buckle at
Applications should be sent to the relevant section email by 5pm, Tuesday 5th January.
News Correspondents
The Varsity News team plays an essential role in Cambridge, providing timely, objective, and incisive reporting on stories relevant to its readers. Our coverage serves not only to inform Varsity readers, but to hold institutions in the city to account.
As a news correspondent, you will be at the heart of Varsity’s busiest section. This is a challenging time, and your reporting - of largely, but not entirely, COVID-19 related events - will prove extremely useful. You’ll learn how to write news articles, conduct interviews and fact-check information, and have the opportunity to cover some of the most exciting events of the term. You’ll explore the ins and outs of Cambridge life, joining a team of committed reporters and editors to work on in-depth investigations, breaking news coverage and more.
No experience is required – only a passion for, and commitment to, reporting on news in Cambridge.
To apply: Explain why you want to be involved in the News team and detail any relevant experience, though none is required (no more than 300 words). Please also provide a critique of one recent Varsity News article of your choice (no more than 300 words). Please also provide three content ideas for current news articles.
Applications should be sent to
Opinion Writers
There’s a lot to discuss in Cambridge, and we’re committed to placing student perspectives at the centre of the conversation. There’s always a lot going on in Cambridge so we’re keen to put together a strong team of staff writers and columnists to write on the issues dominating Cambridge and the wider world.
Staff writer: As a staff writer at Varsity, you’ll write consistently on a plethora of issues, giving you a great opportunity to expand your writing repertoire and deal with different issues in each article. You’ll attend weekly (online) meetings, pitch ideas and join a team of dedicated editors and contributors committed to thinking critically about ongoing events. Unlike columnists who might focus on one issue or theme during the term and look at how this develops, staff writers should be ready to respond to breaking news and have their finger on the pulse of local and wider news. Applicants should demonstrate a close and critical engagement with the issues at the heart of life in Cambridge, as well as an interesting, considered and perhaps unique perspective on them.
To apply: Tell us why you want to be a staff writer, and which areas and issues in Cambridge life you’re particularly interested in exploring and and what perspective you think you could bring to Varsity (200 words max). (200 words maximum). Please also send a sample piece (no more than 800-900 words) and ideas for three further pieces,explaining the angle you would take and why you think this is something that needs to be argued. Your 800-900 word piece does not have to be published.
Columnist: An opinion columnist has the opportunity to have a deeper, more critical look into a particular issue or theme over the course of the term, rather than providing an immediate and dynamic take on breaking news and current affairs. A columnist will be expected to write between 3-8 articles during the term about a single issue happening in Cambridge (or elsewhere, provided it is relevant, engaging and could possibly be linked to Cambridge). You’ll work closely with the section editors to examine an issue that you’re passionate about in greater depth, which will then give you the freedom to develop a column that reflects your personality, life experiences and ideas. We’d like to hear unique perspectives on certain issues that differ from many of the typical pitches that we receive.
To apply: Please detail why you want to be an opinion columnist, and also why you think your perspective on an issue of interest would be unique and valuable (no more than 200 words). Please provide a pitch for a proposed column (no more than 300 words), explaining how your column might advance each week or fortnightly. Please also provide a sample column of roughly 800 words, and also provide ideas for three further columns.
All applications should be sent to
Staff Science Writers
Whether reporting the latest developments in the race to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, evaluating cutting edge research, or exploring ethical issues within scientific fields, the Varsity Science section aims to deliver interesting content that is accessible to all readers.
As a Staff Science Writer, you will delve deeper into fields in which you are interested, whether they be technical or reflective of the current social issues in science, and have the opportunity to interview researchers at Cambridge. This term we are particularly looking for Staff Writers to contribute to our Varsity Explains and Cambridge Spotlight series.
Applicants should demonstrate a keen interest in reviewing the latest developments in research, and the ability to reflect on the implications of science on wider society. We would expect to receive at least three articles from each writer per term, and so applicants must be able to dedicate enough time to the role to achieve this.
No experience is required – only a passion for, and commitment to, science in Cambridge.
To apply: Tell us why you want to be a Staff Writer, and what you hope to contribute to the section, and give details of any relevant experience you have, although none is necessary (max 300 words). Please also send: a sample piece on a subject of your choice (1000 words maximum); and ideas for three further pieces (a title and a short summary, max 200 words per article).
Applications should be sent to
Sport Staff Writers
Sport is a central component of life at Cambridge for many but this section is designed for everyone, not just sportsmen and women. As a Staff Sport Writer at Varsity you can provide a variety of articles ranging from informative match reports to entertaining sports news events in or out of Cambridge. You will also have the chance to go beyond this and work with our section editors to come up with sport analyses, investigations and comment pieces - these may be more prevalent this term since in-person sport in Cambridge is limited at the moment.
To apply: explain why you want to be involved in the Sport team and give details of any relevant experience (300 words maximum). Provide detail of topics you’d like to write about over the course of the term and provide working titles of three possible articles in relation to these topics (300 words maximum). Detail roughly how many articles you would like to provide throughout the term.
Applications should be sent to
Violet Writers
Violet is really the “fun uncle” of Varsity. This is the section where you can let loose and experiment with wacky and funny articles about almost any topic you can think of. This year we’re looking to make the section even more satirical and goofy and will need columnists who can provide their own fresh and personal perspective. Themes that columnists can write about include: “Violet tries”, a column where the writer provides a witty take on trying new activities and experiencing new things; a “Confessions” theme where the columnist writes a lighthearted “confession” about any number of things; and a “nonsensical news” column where the writer sums up the the stories and news items that are too absurd to be written about anywhere else.
To apply: Explain why you should be the person to write about one of these themes or pitch your own theme that you think is original and would be suited to the style of Violet (400 words max). Outline three ideas for articles that you would write about for your chosen theme (400 words max). Tell us how many articles you would be able to produce throughout Lent Term (columnists typically write 3-8 articles per term).
All applications should be sent to
Features Writers
Features is one of Varsity’s most intimate sections, publishing personal experiences, reflections and explorations of crucial issues. This term, Features is opening applications for both staff writers and columnists to join our team. We are looking for people to write articles grounded in personal experience, on a broad range of topics; these could be issues such as mental health, access and inclusion that affect the student body, wider themes such as sexuality, masculinity, identity, race, family, grief and love, or any intriguing anecdote or life experience you might share at the pub, from the strange and funny to the serious. We are searching for writers with diverse backgrounds and life experiences, but also anyone who can offer interesting reflections on issues that affect all of us. So don’t be deterred if your life feels very ‘ordinary’ - we’re sure you’ve got thoughts to offer, and a story or two to tell! No previous experience with Varsity is required.
Staff writers can write about anything and everything, contributing articles based on the Feature's weekly commissions as well as their own ideas. They will work closely with the section editors to develop their writing skills and will be able to write on a diverse plethora of topics and themes.
To apply:Explain what interests, perspectives and experiences you would bring to Varsity Features, and why you want to be a staff writer (300 words max).Provide pitches/ideas for three articles (200 words max per article). All should preferably be on different topics.
Columnists have a unique opportunity to shed light on a particular topic of their choosing which is relevant to Cambridge readers. As a columnist, you’ll work closely with the Features section editors to write articles on a weekly or fortnightly basis. Throughout the term, you'll have the chance to examine an issue, theme or experience you're passionate about in depth, and have the freedom to create a column which reflects your own views, identity, and life experience. Columnists will be expected to contribute 3-8 articles over the course of Lent Term.
To apply: Explain the theme/area you’d like to focus on as a columnist, why it is important to you, and why it should be discussed more in Varsity (300 words max). Provide pitches/ideas for three articles (200 words max per article). All should preferably be related to your chosen column theme.
Applications should be sent to
Arts Columnists
The Arts section is looking for a columnist for Lent term! Whether you take yourself to be a modern-day Frank O’Hara or you have a shrewd eye and even shrewder opinions, we are looking for columnists to write a short piece, around 700 words, weekly or fortnightly.
We’re particularly keen to have a column that looks at the alternatives to a white male-dominated art scene - this could involve critiquing exhibitions or online events that occur throughout Lent or introducing Varsity readers to your favourite non-canonical/BME/LGBT+ authors, artists and poets, some of which may have a connection to Cambridge.
We also want to encourage a columnist to share a more personal insight and account into art and literature especially considering how it functions for students with a full-on degree and not a lot of free time. These may be pieces on the books that saved you, the art that spoke to you, the poems that got you through breakups/particularly harsh essay feedback.
These articles could come in a series or they may be unrelated to one another. Additionally, these are just suggestions, and we welcome applications for columnists on other topics as well. All we really need from you is passion about the arts and a great voice to tell it with.
To apply,please send us a short paragraph (150-300 words) detailing some general ideas for three pieces as well as any experience or things about you that you think would make you perfect for the role (although no experience is necessary!) Please also provide a sample column, (500-700 words,) which could work as your first article and from which we can get a feel for your style and tone. If you have another idea or angle for a columnist that you think works with our ideas do let us know!
Send your applications in to, we can’t wait to read them!
Music Columnists
Music is looking for columnists for Lent Term! We’re looking for one or two student writers to cover all things music related, focussing on a particular topic area and exploring it from different angles. The writers would be expected to contribute 4 - 8 articles across the term of between 600 - 800 words per article. No prior experience in being a columnist (or even writing for Varsity) is necessary. There is no restriction on genre - it can be on classical music, pop, jazz, folk etc. As long as you have passion and drive to talk about music, we’d love to hear from you!
To apply,please send a pitch for the area you propose focussing on, including a sample article (c. 600 - 800 words) and two further developed ideas for future content (up to 250 words total). Please also let us know why you would be particularly suited for the role. Additionally, if you have any other ideas for topics you might like to write a column about, do let us know!
All applications should be sent to
Fashion Columnists
The fashion section is looking for a columnist for Lent term! We’re seeking a ‘Cambridge fashion correspondent’ whose job it will be to report on fashion in Cambridge, cover fashion-related events and write about student style and trends in general. This would involve weekly or fortnightly pieces, each no longer than 700 words. They can take the form of an opinion piece, interview, reportage, personal essay, satire, photoshoot - your choice!
To applyplease write us a short paragraph (150-200 words) giving ideas for the first three pieces you would write and any further details you think would make you particularly suitable for the role (previous experience is not required!). We’d also love to see a sample piece of around 600 words, which you might envision as your first week’s article. And if you have suggestions for any other topics you’d want to cover in a column, let us know here!
Send applications to
Theatre Writers
Theatre is looking for a team of regular Reviewers to review the best of Lent Term theatre and also provide some behind-the-scenes insight by interviewing student writers, directors, producers and actors. No experience is required: to apply just send along a sample review (no more than 800 words) of any theatrical production, film, or TV show you’ve watched recently.
We’re also looking for a regular staff writer: if you have a lot of Opinions on theatre and are bursting to share, this is the role for you! You would have free reign to write around 3-4 articles over the course of Lent term, based around anything you like! From finding feminism in Ancient Greek tragedy, to exploring allegations of racism in “Hamilton”, whatever you want to write about, we’d love to hear from you. The articles can be a series or unconnected.
To apply send us a pitch outlining your ideas (no more than 500 words), and a previous example of your journalistic writing.
All applications should be sent to
Lifestyle Writers
No prior experience is required to be a lifestyle columnist!
A lot goes on in Cambridge , and it can verge on overwhelming - it’s helpful to have a fellow student (or a group of them…) to turn to for advice. AskVulture provides just this: a group of fellow students answering your anonymous questions and and providing advice as well as they can. From adapting to Cambridge life to relationship advice, it’s the chance to help people see things in a new way, or to resolve a burning question/ issue. We’re looking for a team of dedicated writers to do this. You’ll work alongside the other AskVulture writers , each producing 1 to 2 articles a week, and liaising with the Lifestyle editors.
We’re also looking for columnists! As we head into yet another strange term, we are looking for a touch of the familiar. Are you a baking whiz, even with a handful of ingredients and an oven that refuses to heat up? Are you an expert at conquering the boredom of long lockdown evenings? Do you have a passion which you’d like to share with readers? You would be writing up to 8 articles over the term on a given theme - and that could be anything (and we mean anything) Lifestyle related! Underrated walks/ household activities to keep the boredom at bay/ coffee shops that do a good takeaway, tips for online supervisions… the world is your oyster!
To apply (AskVulture writer): Tell us why you want to write for AskVulture , and what areas (if any in particular) you think you could tackle (300 words maximum).
To apply (Columnist):Tell us why you want to be a columnist for Lifestyle, and which areas you’d be interested in covering (250 words maximum). Please also send the working titles of three potential articles in this subject area, with at least two well-fleshed out ideas.
All applications should be sent to
Keen to contribute to the paper without taking on an official role? To hear about upcoming opportunities in sections you're interested in, join the relevant Facebook groups for interested writers, and sign up for our section-specific mailing lists. We’re always open to pitches, on any issue or theme which may interest you, so please drop us an email with your ideas at any time!
Staff Illustrators
Varsity relies on a strong, dynamic visual presence. As a staff illustrator, you’ll have the chance to be at the forefront of that change, joining a creative space where you’ll be encouraged to experiment, and creating art that speaks to student perspectives. Staff Illustrators will work closely with our Illustrations Editor and will be expected to provide 2-3 pieces throughout the term. Whether you are an artist, graphic designer or cartoonist, we’d love to hear from you.
To apply: Please provide details of any skills and experience you have (including a link to your portfolio if possible).
Send all applications to
Photography Team
Our photography team keeps the newspaper looking fresh and vibrant with new and original photographic content, particularly the News and Sport sections. As a staff photographer, you will work with the photography editor and receive training, and will also have the chance to pursue the creative projects you are interested in.
To apply: Please send an informal email outlining any skills and experience you have (attaching images you have taken, or including a link to your portfolio if possible).
Don't hesitate to apply! We’re excited to receive your application.
Support Varsity
Varsity is the independent newspaper for the University of Cambridge, established in its current form in 1947. In order to maintain our editorial independence, our print newspaper and news website receives no funding from the University of Cambridge or its constituent Colleges.
We are therefore almost entirely reliant on advertising for funding and we expect to have a tough few months and years ahead.
In spite of this situation, we are going to look at inventive ways to look at serving our readership with digital content and of course in print too!
Therefore we are asking our readers, if they wish, to make a donation from as little as £1, to help with our running costs. Many thanks, we hope you can help!
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