Large groups of students have gathered to drink on Jesus Green VARSITY

Students have gathered in large groups on Jesus Green today (02/05) to celebrate ‘Caesarian Sunday’, or ‘C Sunday’.

This eight-decade old tradition has gone ahead this year despite Covid-19 restrictions which ban outdoor gatherings of more than six people or two households.

While several police officers were present at the event, and one was seen filming the crowds, they have now left, despite growing crowd sizes.

Some students have been seen in fancy dress, in accordance with the event’s traditions.

C Sunday takes place every year on the Sunday of the May Bank Holiday weekend on Jesus Green, where students typically drink to celebrate a “final blowout” before exam season.

The alcohol-fuelled event has developed a reputation in recent years for anti-social behaviour, causing outrage amongst local residents. C Sunday made national news in 2016 when a student was accidentally set on fire during a drinking society initiation, and was airlifted to hospital.

In 2017, City Council leader Lewis Herbert threatened to ban the event due to anti-social behaviour and excessive litter left in the park.

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