The working group will put forth their proposal for approval in the next academic yearVarsity

The Cambridge Student Union announced today (10/06) that the University of Cambridge is setting up a working group to “investigate the practicalities” of introducing a reading week during Michaelmas and Lent terms. 

The working group’s members will be responsible for consulting various stakeholders in the University, with the aim of proposing a plan to implement the reading weeks, which will be put forth for approval in the next academic year (2021-2022). 

Ben Margolis, Cambridge SU Undergraduate President, said of the recent development: “It is a testament to the power of students that we are seeing positive movement from all parties to make this a reality. The pandemic clearly proved that students’ education and wellbeing are intimately connected.”

Margolis added: “Restructuring the Cambridge term will require a really productive re-examination of workload, wellbeing support and education provision so it’s a great opportunity for the University to demonstrate a meaningful commitment to both education quality and student-staff welfare.”


Mountain View

SU meeting includes discussions on a reading week, transgender rights and support for rent strikes

The notion to restructure the Cambridge term first came from former CUSU President Edward Parker Humphreys in his Student Loneliness Report last year. The SU have since been in continued discussions with the University, college stakeholders, and various faculties to push for a reading week.

Earlier this year, the SU voted in favour of lobbying for the restructuring of the Cambridge term, during the SU’s annual All-Members’ Meeting. 

The SU are also pushing for a full freshers’ week to be implemented at the University.

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