The Fair offers new students the chance to find out more about student societies and life at the University as well as to socialiseLorenzo G / Flickr

The Cambridge University Freshers’ Fair will be held in person at the start of Michaelmas 2021. The Student Union has confirmed that this year’s Freshers’ Fair will return in person at Parker’s Piece. The event will take place on Tuesday 5th and Wednesday 6th October.

Bookings for societies are now open and available on the Student Union’s website. The Fair is an opportunity for societies to advertise themselves and reach out to potential new members. It also offers new students the chance to find out more about student societies and life at the University as well as to socialise.

Varsity understands that the Fair will not take place at Kelsey Kerridge Sports Centre this year, where it has been held in previous years. The long-standing partnership is unlikely to be continued.


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Spots for society stands can be booked either outdoors or inside the Marquee located on Parker’s Piece. The Student Union is yet to reply to our inquiry about the Freshers’ Fair not taking place at Kelsey Kerridge this year.

The Freshers’ Fair returns to Parker’s Piece after being held virtually at the beginning of Michaelmas 2020. There will be an online site for those unable to attend in person but wanting to participate.

The Student Union has stated that some COVID-19 restrictions will be in place during this year’s event. For example, those attending will be asked to wear face masks when inside the marquees.

At present, rates of increased COVID transmission in Cambridge are higher than the national average, with 523 confirmed cases in the week 5-11 August. In the week 2-8 August, 13 positive cases were identified by the University testing service.

Furthermore, to limit numbers, the event will be ticketed. The tickets will be free and released on Wednesday 1st of September. These guidelines are subject to being changed or updated based on the rate of transmission and University regulations.