Woolley has been cooking in the kitchen, cleaning rooms and mowing lawnsHomerton College

Simon Woolley is the newest principal on the block - and to get a better understanding of what makes Homerton tick, has decided to join staff as they carry out their daily tasks.

His first port of call was with the housekeeping team tasked with cleaning students’ rooms. As well as hoovering carpets and dusting shelves, Woolley has got an insight into how Homertonians live.

Homerton College

His next stint included a morning shift with the College’s gardeners - taking care of Homerton’s charming orchard, duck pond and vast lawns.

Woolley also donned his apron and waded into the Homerton kitchen, getting to grips with the enormous task of feeding one of Cambridge’s largest colleges. From prepping the veggies to cooking various meals on the daily menu, students were treated to a first class experience from Homerton’s newest server: Lord Baron Woolley of Woodford.

Homerton College

Over the next few weeks he will work in the Buttery, Library and Porters’ Lodge in an initiative designed to give the Principal a better sense of the work staff put into maintaining college.

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