The moot centred on whether a prosthetic limb can be regarded as an imitation firearmPembroke Law Society

The Pembroke Law Society has spotted Oxford claiming victory for a mooting competition Cambridge won back in 2020.

Despite an email and video showing Cambridge being crowned victorious, Oxford’s Law Faculty claimed that “in a very close decision, Oxford were awarded the win” in a mooting competition focused on disabilities organised by the law firm Herbert Smith Freehills in 2020.

Pembroke law students have ridiculed Oxford’s false claim to victory. Writing on Twitter, “whenever anyone asks ‘who is better...Oxford or Cambridge?’ – remember Cambridge never had to lie about beating the other in a competition.”

They also created TikTok videos making fun of Oxford’s suggestion that they were the winners.

The 2020 Varsity Mooting Championship, which took place on November 14th, centred on whether a prosthetic limb can be regarded as an imitation firearm, and whether damage to a mobility aid can constitute bodily harm.


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Set up by the Oxford Law Faculty, the Championship is a competition that simulates a court hearing and is the first to focus on the legal issues disabled people face.

Representing Cambridge were Maya Edelstein and Michael Tucker, who came up against Amy Gregg of Exeter College and Patrick Hall of St Cross College.

Edelstein commented: “We first discovered Oxford's [Law Faculty]’s lie when someone doubted our win. At first we didn’t think much of it, but then we realised that we need to call them out because otherwise, that press release will stay there forever and more people will doubt our credibility. On a less serious note, we figured oxford should be knocked down a peg or two. I’m sure our win in their competition must sting.”

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