94 violent offences were reported in Cambridge City Centre in November 2021Keira Quirk/VARSITY

Content note: This article contains mention of violence and sexual assault

The St Andrew’s Street area is a hotspot for crime, police data for November 2021 shows.

Of 94 incidents of violent and sexual crime reported in Cambridge city centre that month, 17 took place on or around St Andrew’s Street, where the Wetherspoons Regal pub and Revolution bar are located.

Elsewhere, 13 violent and sexual offences were reported around Guildhall Street, near Lola Lo, and nine were reported in the Sidney Street area, where MASH and Vinyl are located.


Mountain View

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This comes as reports of spiking in pubs and clubs, as well as anti-Asian hate crimes and violence towards disabled people, have increased.

November is the latest month for which data is available on the police website.

Violent and sexual crime was the most common category reported in the city centre, accounting for over a quarter of all offences.

The total number of crimes reported in the area in November, 352 offences, was a decrease on the 417 offences reported in October.

In North Cambridge, 124 violent and sexual offences were reported, nearly 30% of the total reported crimes in the area. Almost a third of crimes reported in South Cambridge, numbering 207 offences, were violent or sexual offences.

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