Students embrace final celebration before exams
Large crowds gathered on Jesus Green as part of the annual “C-Sunday” event

Hundreds of students descended on Jesus Green yesterday (1/5) as part of the boozy event to see in the exam term.
After a slow start, large crowds gathered from the early afternoon onwards to participate in the “final fling” before exams as is traditional on the Sunday of the May bank holiday weekend.
The celebration is known as C-Sunday, named after the Jesus drinking society the “Cesarians” who used to fight Girton’s “Green Monsters” on the common.
While no brawl took place this year, many were drinking heavily as the Jesus College porters and the police watched on.
Some students successfully managed to scale the lamppost in the centre of the green, while others brought along smoke flares.

Students traditionally come to the event dressed up although witnesses complained of a lack of funny costumes this year.
While drinking soc members wore in traditional clothing, not everyone was impressed, with one student saying “the blazers aren’t as fashionable as they think they are”.
Drinking socs usually initiate new recruits on the morning of C-Sunday, before joining the congregation on Jesus Green in the afternoon.
Some initiations started as early as 2am with first years having to down a pint of coffee before switching to beers at 5am. Other drinking societies were more gentle, starting initiations at 10am.
One drinking society asked its members to bring a total of 5L of alcohol per person to the initiations. An initiator said he felt ‘sorry’ for those being initiated.
Yet another student celebrated the inclusivity of her initiation, stating it was very much a case of “drink this pint (if you want to)”.

The police were seen tending to incapacitated students on Jesus green.
One officer at the scene told Varsity “We don’t mind. It’s fun”. Another added: “As long as people clean up”.
The event has previously faced criticism from locals over the sea of litter and lost items left behind afterwards.
When this was put to students, one commented the “environmental impact is nothing on the university as a whole”.
New for this C-Sunday was a stall with a banner saying “Cambridge students are stupid change my mind”. Designed to replicate the discussions seen on American college campuses where students debate a host to change their views on a given topic.
Attendees expressed their joy at the scale of the event, especially after COVID prevented the celebration from occurring in full the previous years.
Many argued that the event represents the “one day a year of fun” open to Cambridge students.