The announcement comes after a revival in student campaigningRosie Poser/Varsity

The Universal bus route will be extended to serve Girton, Homerton and Wolfson colleges from next year, with electric buses also set to be introduced in July 2023, the University has announced today (12/10).

The new bus contract between the University and Whippet will operate a ‘split service’ with half of the buses extending to Girton College. Half of the buses will head to Wolfson College, with some buses returning to Hills Road, Homerton College and the Faculty of Education.

The eight year contract with Whippet also commits to a fleet of new electric buses from July 2023.

The University’s Planning and Resources Committee approved the route extension and new electric service today (12/10). The fare for University Card holders will remain set at £1 on the new service.

Professor David Cardwell, pro-vice-chancellor for strategy and planning, said that “the Universal bus is a pioneering initiative, and this new contract will support the University’s commitment to environmental sustainability, in particular sustainable business travel, as well as its work to meet the access requirements of all students.”


Mountain View

Open letter to get U Bus to Girton and Homerton gains over 1,000 signatures

Project U, the student campaign to extend the bus route, welcomed the changes, telling Varsity that “we’re so pleased that we’ve been listened to and felt heard, and this is a monumental change that will positively impact so many people from Girton, Homerton and beyond. Now there really is no excuse to not come visit our colleges!”

An open letter from Project U received the backing of more than 1,000 students in June, as Girton and Homerton students campaigned against the inaccessibility of the colleges from the town centre and lecture sites. Project U was the third campaign to extend the route since 2016. The campaign was also backed by the Student Union.

The bus service is subsidised by the University and carries around 60,000 passengers per week, linking the city centre with West Cambridge, the train station and Cambridge Biomedical Campus.

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