The Girton JCR commented that the dark path has “long caused issues of night-time safety”Wikimedia Commons

Students have raised concerns at the lack of adequate lighting being provided by the University on the Ridgeway, a passage between Girton College and its off-site accommodation.

Until recently, the Ridgeway only had cat’s eyes, and a singular light halfway through the passage.

Temporary sensor-activated lights were introduced last term. One student told Varsity that these lights were dim and lit up only “after you passed them, making it feel like a spotlight in an otherwise extremely dark path”. Another student said the “temporary lights are dim, irregular and unreliable”.

Recently, the University installed new solar-powered lights. Yet, one student told Varsity that these new lights “are temperamental at best and horrendous at worse”. The same student reported that the lights “simply do not turn on” most nights.

A spokesperson for Girton College said: “We have raised the issue of inadequate lighting on the Ridgeway path several times now with the University Estates team. It is extremely disappointing that, despite assurances late last year that action would be taken to address the problem, the path remains poorly lit and unsafe. It is putting members of the public, and our own students, at risk, and we continue to push the University Estates team to deliver an acceptable solution to this and other issues at the Eddington site.”

Responding to concerns, Girton porters announced a trial of a new free taxi scheme to and from the central college site from the off-site accommodation.The email notes that this is “in response to the lamentable lack of effective lighting on the Ridgeway path […] despite continual lobbying of the University by Girton”.

The Girton JCR commented that the dark path has “long caused issues of night-time safety”, causing great risk and “fostering widespread feelings of vulnerability”.


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The JCR similarly signalled their frustration to the University: “We are appalled […] at the evident disregard for our students immediate safety: No implementation of lighting from the start, a failing to now provide adequate temporary measures, and most recently ridiculous alternative suggestions such as the use of better bike lights and avoidance of the Ridgeway altogether via a notoriously dangerous junction for cyclists.”

Girton’s MCR told Varsity: “Despite the best efforts of the College… the lighting along the path is frighteningly insufficient even after ‘improvements’ and if a student doesn’t take it upon themselves to bring a light with them, they genuinely cannot see in front of them. Even several attacks on students in Eddington and around the Ridgeway weren’t enough for our welfare to be taken seriously.”

A University spokesperson said: “The University has made a series of improvements that respond to concerns raised about lighting and safety which include the provision of temporary lighting at Eddington. The estate management team has undertaken night-time inspections and found the paths to be well lit but will investigate any concerns that have been raised. There is a network of cycle and pedestrian paths that provide people with a choice of routes to get to a range of local destinations.”