Students have been asked to ensure they leave the toilets in a usable conditionCamfess

It’s a simple equation; food goes in, and then goes out, straight into the Chemistry Department toilets. Unfortunately, some Chemistry students at the University of Cambridge seem to have misunderstood this direction.

In an email seen by Varsity, all undergraduate Chemistry students were requested to make sure they flush the toilet, particular those outside the Cybercafé, on the top floor of the Centre for Molecular Informatics. Incidents involving unflushed toilets are said to be “frequent” across the building, and students have been asked to ensure they leave the toilets in a usable condition.

Students were warned that it “isn’t pleasant to have to flush the toilet after someone else has used it”.

The crappy crisis didn’t stop there, with the Department adding “if you accidentally drop faeces on the floor, please clean it up and/or let reception know.”

This raised eyebrows amongst students, with one Chemistry student telling Varsity: “This is a shitty situation, for sure. The fact that I have to look left and right at my fellow Chemists and wonder who is responsible makes me feel that something smells off about this all.”


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Students have also spoken of genuine concerns that this is unfair on the staff of the department. Students said cleaning this mess shouldn’t be the responsibility of the cleaners or other staff of the University, particularly amid ongoing concerns over fair pay and conditions.

Ultimately, students seem to see a light-hearted side of the situation, with one adding “at the end of the day, it’s a funny situation. Please, though, don’t shit on the floor and, if you do, pick it up.”

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