Varsity has been on the side of Cambridge students since 1947.

One of only three independent student newspapers in the country, Varsity receives no funding from the University or the Student Union. It’s our role to hold these institutions to account: fairly, firmly and sometimes with some humour too. 

Read and trusted by students, academics and the wider public, the website has extensive reach both in Cambridge and the rest of the UK, receiving an average of 47,000 visitors each week.

In 1953, we reported on Watson and Crick’s discovery of the structure of DNA. More recently, in 2021, we revealed the university's proposed £400m deal with the United Arab Emirates. With contributions from Amol Rajan to Charles III, and Sylvia Plath to Jeremy Paxman, you have the opportunity to join a long line of journalists, writers, and creatives. 

Varsity is much more than just news: whether you’re passionate about music, theatre, or the arts, have a talent for photography or video-journalism, or want to help us design our May Week glossy magazine, there is a place for you in the Easter team. 

Most importantly, we’re a training paper. You don’t need journalistic experience to apply, just passion, creativity, and a willingness to learn. With fortnightly pub socials, and a collaborative environment, Varsity is the perfect place to meet like minded people while developing your writing, editing, and leadership skills.

The Easter team will be responsible for producing consistent and regular online content in term time, and throughout the summer holidays. They will also be responsible for the production of Varsity’s annual Yearbook & Review, a 64 page A4 glossy magazine to be published in early June.

Varsity next term will be edited by Hannah Gillott (hg481) and Erik Olsson (eo374). Don’t hesitate to get in touch at if you have any questions about the application process, what it’s like to work at Varsity, or which section would be right for you.

There’s no better time to join Varsity than Easter.

How to apply

All applications must include:

  • Your full name, subject, year, and college.
  • The role(s) for which you would like to apply.
  • Whether you would be willing to consider other positions, if you are not offered your desired role(s).
  • Your other extracurricular commitments in Easter term

Please see the information below for specific details on how to apply for each role. Applications must be submitted to by Midday Friday 31st March

Please note that staff writer and columnists applications will follow in due course.

How is Varsity organised?

Varsity consists of two main sections: the Newspaper and the Magazine (Vulture). We are looking to hire two Deputy editors, who will oversee the Newspaper (News, Comment, Features, Interviews, Science), and two Vulture editors, who will manage the Magazine (Fashion, Arts, Lifestyle, Film & TV, Theatre, Music).

Section editors are responsible for overseeing their section’s output and writers. They need to be organised, creative, and able to lead and inspire a team of writers to publish regular website content. They will also be responsible for submitting articles to the Yearbook, and coordinating with the Deputy editors and Production team to set these articles into print. Alongside the revamped Visual team, they will look to produce photo- and video- journalism.

Leadership team

All applications for Deputy & Vulture editors must include:

  • A critique and vision for your chosen side of the paper: what ideas do you have for  next term? How will you ensure regular output on the website? (reference to specific sections is encouraged, 500 words max)
  • Any experience you have for the role, especially in regard to journalism, leadership, and management. (300 words max)
  • Three ideas for the Yearbook & Review across your side of the paper. (300 words max, feel free to include photos of previous setting you’ve liked in Varsity or elsewhere)
  • The earliest date you will be able to return to Cambridge.

Feel free to include or link to any samples of your work, although this is not a requirement. 

All applications for Visual editor must include:

  • A critique of three articles from this academic year which could have been improved by photos or illustrations. (300 words max)
  • Any experience you have for the role, especially in regard to photography/videography, illustration, leadership, and management. (300 words max)
  • Two photoshoot or photojournalism ideas for the Yearbook & Review. (300 words max)

Deputy editor

Applicants should be committed individuals with excellent time management and organisational skills. Overseeing the day- to-day running of the newspaper, the primary responsibility of the Deputy Editors in Easter term will be the regular and consistent publication of articles to the website. As a line manager to various section editors, it will be the Deputy Editor’s responsibility to ensure strict filing day deadlines are met: high online output will be the Deputy Editor’s main priority. Deputy Editors will deputise for the Editors-in-Chief whenever appropriate and/or necessary. As members of the publishing team, they will assist the Editors-in-Chief with the production of the Yearbook & Review. Experience within Varsity and working knowledge of Adobe InDesign will be important for this role. We are looking to recruit two Deputy Editors.

Vulture editor

Applicants should be committed individuals with excellent time management skills and a pulse on Cambridge’s creative scene. Able to toe the line between cliché and esoteric, the Vulture Editors will oversee the content and day-to-day running of the magazine. The primary responsibility of the Vulture Editors in Easter term will be the regular and consistent publication of articles to the website. As a line manager to various section editors, it will be the Vulture Editor’s responsibility to ensure strict filing day deadlines are met: high online output will be the Vulture Editor’s main priority. As members of the publishing team, they will assist the Editors-in-Chief with the production of the Yearbook & Review. Experience within Varsity and working knowledge of Adobe InDesign will be important for this role. We are looking to recruit two Vulture Editors.

Visual editor

The Visual Editor will be responsible for the paper’s social media, photography & illustrations, and videojournalism. Excellent photos and illustrations will be central to the successful production of the Yearbook & Review. It will be the responsibility of the Visual Editor to liaise with photographers, illustrators and section editors to ensure each piece for the Yearbook & Review is visually arresting, with bold photos and illustrations. Management of the paper’s Instagram account will be the Visual Editor’s other main responsibility. Without fortnightly prints, development of the paper’s Instagram will be a priority for the Easter team. The Visual Editor will take a lead on this, exploring the ways in which Instagram can be used to bring greater student traffic to the website. As members of the publishing team, they will assist the Editors-in-Chief with the production of the Yearbook & Review. We are looking to recruit one Visual Editor.

Section editors

All applications for section editor must include:

  • Vision statement: Look through your chosen section’s output this last term. Detail what has been done well, and what needs improvement. (300 words max)
  • Critique one article from the section: why didn’t it work? (200 words max) 
  • Provide three article ideas for next term, including one longer-term project for the Yearbook & Review (300 words max)
  • Suggest how content can be maintained over summer, and the kinds of articles your section can produce when contributors are no longer in Cambridge (100 words max)

Roles available (Newspaper)

News editor

News is the beating heart of Varsity. It’s a dynamic and fast-paced section, responsible for covering Cambridge and its institutions incisively and in a timely manner. News Editors need to be dedicated individuals who have an eye for a good story and are in tune with all the going ons in Cambridge. The Easter News team will be expected to produce seven news stories each week during term time, and two to three pieces a week during the summer holidays. All news editors will be expected to attend the weekly news meeting at the Varsity office in order to discuss leads and that week’s news agenda.

Senior News editor: The Senior News Editors typically lead a team of four Deputy News Editors and fifteen news correspondents. They are responsible for shaping the news agenda, deciding what should (and should not) be covered and, crucially, how it should be covered: it’s a big responsibility. Senior News Editors must equally commit to training correspondents and other members of the Varsity team in news writing according to the in-house style. We are looking to recruit two Senior News Editors.

Deputy News editor: The role of Deputy News Editor is the perfect intermediary position for someone who wants to both write and edit. They will play an important mentoring role to the newer additions of the team, but will also investigate their own leads to produce original and exciting copy. We are looking to recruit four Deputy News Editors.

Features editor

Features Editors will play a central role in the production of the Yearbook & Review in Easter term. The Yearbook & Review will be defined by the extrospective, image-led, human interest content that Features has been championing for the last two terms. Applicants to the role need to be motivated individuals who aren’t afraid to chase leads. Features are all about building a story. The Features team will be responsible for two to three stories a week during term time and will assist the Editors-in-Chief with content for the Yearbook & Review. We are looking to recruit three Features Editors.

Comment editor

Comment is a space to platform student voices on the issues that are dominating the news agenda. Comment Editors will manage a team of columnists and staff writers, but they will also have to be proactive in approaching and commissioning pieces from a diverse range of students with interesting perspectives on the day’s issues. The Comment Editor should not be afraid to challenge consensus: the students of Cambride don’t all have the same opinions and that should be reflected in the pieces chosen for publication. Comment Editors will be responsible for publishing four pieces each week in term time. We are looking to recruit two Comment Editors.

Interviews editor

Our Interviews editors get the chance to meet fascinating people from all walks of life. They will need to be proactive in reaching out to potential interviewees, and able to transform sometimes short conversations into one engaging piece of prose. The Interview Editors will be responsible for two forms of interview: i) long form interviews with a high profile figure in or outside Cambridge ii) a shorter Q&A interview with a notable student. We will be expecting two to three pieces a week from the Interviews team during term time. We are looking to recruit two Interview Editors.

Science editor

Varsity is one of the only student newspapers with a science section. It’s an exciting time to head the section, spearheading our continued efforts to engage with the brimming scientific community at our fingertips, and simultaneously ensure our Science content is accessible to students from all academic backgrounds.

Sport editor

Sport is one of Varsity’s busiest and most vibrant sections and the Sport editors are in a prime position to shape discussions around sport in Cambridge. They are responsible for covering match reports, interviews, guides and features every week, covering as wide a range of sports and sporting experiences as possible, across all levels. The Sport editors will lead a team of correspondents and staff writers, pushing for diversified and exciting content for the section.

Roles available (Vulture)

Arts editor

Arts editors have the luxury, and the responsibility, of engaging directly with the vibrant Cambridge arts scene. From reviewing gallery openings and student exhibits, to weighing in on debates, from collating a list of literary recommendations to delving into the cultural histories, the Arts section immerses readers in the diverse world of Cambridge culture. Arts editors need to be invested in such a world - they need to be expressive and creative as writers, and thoughtful, diligent, and professional as editors. We are looking to recruit two Arts editors.

Film & TV editor

Film & TV editors will need to have a finger on the pulse of the Cambridge film and television scene, and the broader cultural moment. Editors will be responsible for producing timely reviews in relation to both. Working closely with members of the Cambridge film scene and student filmmakers, they will also be expected to produce interviews and work on longer term projects. The section will also consist of personal features. We are looking to recruit two Film & TV editors.

Music editor

Music editors need to be not only passionate about music, but engaged in the rich and exciting Cambridge music scene. They will be responsible for producing regular reviews of student bands, Jazz nights, and concerts. Beyond this, they will need to produce content which explores music more generally, in the form of features, playlists and album reviews. We are looking to recruit two Music editors, who will need to be able to platform and discuss all genres.

Fashion editor

We are looking for two Fashion editors with an eye for style. Beyond writing and editing creative and topical articles, they will be responsible for photoshoots. This involves creating a concept, finding models, and liaising with the Visual editor to organise the shoot. Photoshoots will be a central part of the Yearbook & Review, and Fashion editors will need to be responsible for maintaining website output while working on projects for the Yearbook throughout the term.

Theatre editor

Theatre is a demanding section. Responsible for producing both regular reviews - and working to a 24 hour deadline in doing so - and features pieces, we are looking to recruit three organised, diligent, and skilled editors. Editors will need to work in close contact with the ADC and other student theatrical societies, as well as directors and producers, to publish thoughtful, high quality reviews and previews. Next term, we will be increasing our output of the non-review articles. This means working creatively with your writers to produce interviews and feature pieces. This will require initiative, inspiration, and consistency.

Lifestyle editor

Lifestyle is a diverse and exciting section. It should be fun, down-to-earth, and relatable to all students at Cambridge. Editors should be quick, up-to-date with Cambridge events, and able to spark amusing conversations with the readership. From Agony Aunts to reviews, from satire to personal columns, from how-tos to please don’ts, Lifestyle is a varied section, and editors need to be able to write and edit a mixed bag of articles. We are looking to recruit two Lifestyle editors.

Other roles

Applications for Sub-editor must include:

  • A critique of one article from a section of your choice, making reference to the Varsity style guide

Please make it clear if you would like to be considered for the Chief sub-editor role, and if so detail any relevant experience

Applications for Publishing team must include:

  • Any experience with Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. Please feel free to include links to any work.
  • The earliest time you would be able to return to Cambridge


Sub-editors are an important part of the Varsity team. Before each article is published, sub-editors read over the piece, flagging any potential inappropriate content, as well as ensuring that our style guide is adhered to. They must be rigorous and organised, sub-editing articles in a timely manner.

Publishing team

The Publishing team will assist in setting the Yearbook & Review. They will also be working closely with the Editors-in-Chief to develop the Yearbook throughout term. Please note that we will need to finish setting the Yearbook in May, potentially requiring work over the exam period.

Best of luck with your applications!

Hannah & Erik

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