Students participating in a summer school were unable to return to their rooms until 5pmLouis Ashworth with permission for Varsity

King’s College summer school accommodation was hit with floods, causing students to be evacuated.

The College’s Spalding accommodation was flooded on Monday (19/08), after a hot water pipe burst on the accommodation’s second floor.

In a video seen by Varsity, an alarm can be heard going off as water from the second floor gushes through the first floor ceiling.

A separate image also shows water leaking through the ceiling.

Everyone in the area was evacuated, including students completing a summer school with CL Global.

One student worker was in the accommodation when the pipe burst, causing the leak. Alongside their colleague, they informed everyone they needed to leave the building “either [by] shouting in the building or messaging the chat”.

A College plumber arrived after approximately 15 minutes to turn off the water, which was clean water rather than sewage.

Most of the flooding was located in the stairwell and corridor. Despite this, students were unable to return to their rooms until 5pm, meaning that some students did not have laptops for their afternoon classes.

The student worker did not have any shoes on, so had to wait for a friend “to drop off sandals” while waiting to regain access to their room.


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After 5pm, students were allowed into the building in small groups to pack up their belongings and move to alternative College accommodation on Bene’t Street or in New Garden Hostel.

The student worker informed Varsity: “It was all handled really efficiently and everyone was safe.”

A spokesperson from King’s College said: “The water leak has been resolved and students have been relocated to College accommodation nearby to allow the rooms to dry completely.”

CL Global were contacted for comment.