The MAA is also in possession of several other garments that came from Ethiopian royaltyTamami Ono for Varsity

Ethiopia will demand the return of artefacts currently held by the University of Cambridge next year, according to reports by The Times.

The Ethiopian government will request the return of multiple artefacts from both the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford. It is looking to reclaim several items which were seized by British forces after the Battle of Magdala in 1868 as part of a major reparation effort.

The artefacts taken include rare items of clothing, medieval bibles, parchment, swords and shields. The Ethiopian Heritage Authority (EHA) is planning to push for the return of the items next year.

One of the items the EHA hope to reclaim is a cloak worn by former Empress consort of Ethiopia Queen Terunesh, which is currently at the Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology (MAA) in Cambridge.

The MAA is also in possession of several other garments originating from Ethiopian royalty, while Cambridge University Library is in possession of medieval bibles created for the Ethiopian Orthodox Church, according to The Telegraph.

Abebaw Ayalew Gella, the director general of the EHA, described the artefacts from Magdala as “some of the most important things in the political and cultural history of Ethiopia”. While the British government will be asked to support the return of items, Oxford and Cambridge, in addition to the Charity Commission, will ultimately be responsible for the final decision.


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Prince Ermias Sahle-Selassie, grandson of Haile Selassie, the last emperor of Ethiopia, told The Telegraph that the “items have a lot in terms of inherent identity”. He continued: “The younger generation would get pride back by having them return home.”

Last month, a Cambridge researcher revealed that there are around 350,000 African artefacts in University storage, the majority of which were found to have been acquired during British colonial rule. This came after both the MAA’s return of 39 artefacts to Uganda, and Trinity College’s return of four aboriginal spears in a reparation ceremony last year.

In 2022, Cambridge was also granted permission by the Charity Commission to return 116 Benin Bronzes displayed at the MAA. However, the return was delayed last year when it emerged that the bronzes were to become the property of the King of Benin, rather than of the Nigerian government.

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