The Occupation: A Summary
Varsity gives you the low-down on a week of Occupation
What happened?
Friday 26/11: Around 100 students break in to the University Combination room and refuse to leave. Caius closes its library, prompting remonstrations between Caius students and the occupiers. Proctors visit twice to warn that the University is seeking to evict them and later to put up notices, promptly torn down by the students. The Cambridge representative from the Universities and Colleges Union visits in solidarity. Around 100 stay overnight.
Saturday 27/11: English lecturer Priyamvada Gopal starts a petition of academics in support of the occupation. The occupiers liaise with the university to avoid disrupting the MPhil graduation ceremony. Caius reopens its library in the evening, and its JCR votes in favour of the occupation. Around 60 stay overnight.
Sunday 28/11: The occupiers prepare themselves for the possible injunction and eviction attempt at the start of the working week. Numerous academics (Raymond Geuss, Richard Drayton, Emma Mawdsley and Priyamvada Gopal) speak to the occupation, and others (Quentin Skinner, Noam Chomsky) express support. Gopal's petition now has 150 signatories. Peterhouse JCR votes against the occupation.
Monday 29/11: National news media arrive. The occupiers discuss the official statement they will make to the university authorities, which is released that evening. The University cuts internet access to the building. The county court hearing over the injunction happens at 16:00. The injunction is passed against the students. The numbers of occupiers swell to around 300. Pembroke, Murray Edward’s and King's JCR vote in favour of the occupation. CUSU council passes motions in support of the occupation.
Tuesday 30/11: Sixth-form students hold a protest at Great St. Mary’s, and 30-40 join the occupation, although most go home by evening. St. Edmunds JCR vote in favour of the occupation.
Wednesday 1/12: The occupiers release another statement to the university at midday, with an ultimatum for the university to respond by 14:30. The university instead releases a statement that it ‘awaits resolution’ on the matter of the county court injunction. The occupiers hold a 20 minute noise protest. Occupiers state that “We will keep on fighting after the occupation is over" and Varsity learns that this may very well include acts of non-violent civil disobedience. Girton JCR votes in support of the occupation. Around 200 academics issue statement to Vice Chancellor urging dialogue with students.
Thursday 2/12: The occupiers put off any escalation until tomorrow. CUSU meets with Vice Chancellor. University later releases statement that no dialogue will be entered into whilst students illegally occupy the common room, but that the Vice-Chancellor willing to discuss matters with the students if the occupation is ended peacefully. CUSU liaise with Gopal to mobilize academics to lobby University Council.
What happens now?
The occupation has maintained a presence over the last week; however their numbers have been fading, with increasing frustration about how to engage the student body. Attitudes among students are divided: six JCRs (Caius, Pembroke, King’s, Murray Edward’s, Girton, St. Edmund’s) have voted in support of the occupation, and one (Peterhouse) has voted against it. Broadly, votes were characterized by small margins of victory and low turn-out. The facebook event for the occupation has 622 people attending, the counter-event 600.
Attitudes amongst academics are inscrutable. Several have given lectures to students occupying the building, and petitions in favour have gathered around 200 signatures. It is unclear to what degree these gestures of support are representative of academics’ attitudes.
The University itself rapidly secured an injunction but hasn’t acted upon it, and hasn’t made an official response. Expect things to move quickly as the end of term approaches.
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