Students at Emmanuel College will have a new space to live, socialise and maybe even work in if the college’s plans for a new accommodation block are approved.

The 1960s splendour of South Court could soon be joined by a further 29 rooms on the western side, backing on to Janus House and visible from Parker’s Piece. These would extend South Court and allow more students to live in college, an advantageous position for both current students and the college itself, in terms of attracting applications.

The application to the council echoes these advantages, stating that:
“Emmanuel College is currently in need of additional student accommodation. The proposed site is a logical extension of an existing accommodation block within the boundary of the main college campus and close to student facilities such as the JCR. The proposal will reinforce South Court as a focus for student life.”

Emmanuel College's new development is pending application until 17 February

When asked for his views on the proposal and how it would affect the day-to-day life of the college, first-year student James McCallion said, “I think it can only be good for Emma: more students will be situated around the hub of college, and it means other, nicer sites within college won’t need to be built on”.

Others raised concerns about the visual impact for the existing area around South Court, with David Melleney hoping that they ‘don’t cut down the trees behind the car park’. For their part, Emmanuel stated that any damage to the visual environment or college grounds would be ‘minimised’.

The council will be considering the application until the 17th February, with the college no doubt hoping that they can press ahead with the plans as soon as possible after that.