The site of the extravagant proposalhannah wilkinon

V:  Have you heard from Andy yet?  What was his response? 

Alice:  Yes and yes.

V:  Who is Andy?

Alice:  Andy is a very lovely person who lives on my corridor; we met on our first day here. It's a college marriage, so not romantic in any way (sad to disappoint the people who thought it was a 'real world' proposal).

V:  How did you know Andy was ‘the one’? 

Alice:  He was an obvious choice for a college husband, because (as I've said) he's so lovely.

V:  Why did you decide to propose in such an extravagant way?

Alice:  I decided to propose extravagantly because a previous proposal in my college involved a reenactment of a Viking raid, and I felt that to do my proposal justice I had to aim for one at least as awesome as that.

Alice asked that her identity and that of her new fiance be protected.

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